We've been headed for a train wreck and the momentum is gathering speed. It's best not to be driving the train when it happens. The engineer always takes the fall.

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Ok, maybe that's a good point of view. We are about to go into the Biggest GLOBAL Die Off on the Planet since the Mass Extinction because of the Death/Injury Jabs. Our 'global currency' is almost done for. Millions of people are going to starve and freeze to death this winter all over the planet because of the WEF PUPPETS that control every country now. Communism is making a huge come back.....and the worst part is the people seem to be perfectly fine with that even though they have no clue what that kind of future holds. Maybe it's a good time to just step back and watch the CRASH that is coming. Prepare your home and family, get your guns and ammo ready, and hunker down. The Shit is really going to HIT THE FAN NOW.

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