“Robert Royal posted an article saying the same things as your latest blog on the same day!”
The comment came from our gracious hostess at the Missouri Right to Life banquet on Thursday. She referred to my post, What’s With October?
and to Robert Royal’s Something’s Wrong in Rome on The Catholic Thing. Both published on September 6, both addressing the obvious lack of fidelity to the Deposit of Faith demonstrated Jorge Bergoglio, nominally “Pope Francis.”
On the same day, a viral video, which we will get to shortly, emerged from cancelled priest, Fr. James Altman.
I promise you I had not read Robert Royal’s post nor seen Fr. Altman’s video before writing my post. And it’s not the first time I have written a potentially controversial and dangerous blog only to find others were writing similar posts at the same time.
It’s a phenomenon I call “simultaneous independent awareness,” which is akin to the scientific theory of multiple simultaneous independent discovery, which posits that most scientific discoveries and inventions happen simultenously and independently by multiple researchers or inventors at approximately the same time. So close in time and disparate in proximity to one another that collaboration or copy-catting is impossible.
The two concepts differ in one significant respect: SIAs involve the spirit world while MIPs (as they’re commonly abbreviated) involve the physical world. MIPs are subject to scientific rigor, while SIAs are subject only to logical proof. Thus, if your faith is in scientism, the rest of this post will only irritate you.
Some will say Robert Royal, Fr. Altman, and Bill Hennessy likely gain their information from the same or similar sources. The preponderance of similar news builds to a subconscious crescendo that bursts forth like a ruptured dam.
Perhaps they’re right. But that actually supports the idea that even more people simultaneously sense something of such import that they feel impelled to warn others. So it was on Wednesday evening, my wife in bed, that I, almost without planning while sitting on my sofa (not at my writing desk) opened my laptop and began typing.
“October is coming” was the only thought when I began to write. I had no specific theme beyond that. With so much drama in so many fields and topics at the moment, I had no hope of picking something in the news due to choice fatigue. Instead, I felt I needed to just start typing about October and see what emerged.
What emerged was a conclusion that Bergoglio may no longer be pope. Not an original thought, I admit. I’d mulled this over ever since reading Dr. Taylor Marshall’s Infiltration in 2019. But I assigned Dr. Marshall’s evidence to the vague cabinet of speculation until Wednesday evening when I read my own blog post. (I practice a sort of stream of consciousness writing rather than a formal structure.) Sometime between 2019 and last week, then, my mind had moved the case from speculation to, at least, probability. And the implications—the consequences to the Church and to humanity—that the Church has been without a pope for a decade is simply too profound to keep to myself.
Or should I say, the possibility that the Seat of Peter has been vacant since December 31, 2022, when Pope Benedict XVI died on the anniversary of Pope Sylvester’s death? I wrote about that event on the day it happened, moved by a terrifying video from Dr. Marshall who interrupted his vacation to vlog about it.
The sede vacante would seem to explain the sudden and precipitous fall of the Church and the world in the past few years—beginning precisely with the abomination of desolation committed on October 4 through the 10th 2019, aka, the Pachamama apostasy.
After all, Jesus promised His Church would withstand the jaws of hell, but he never promised it would always have a legitimate head. In fact, He warned of false prophets and wolves dressed as sheep who would fool many. And St. Paul warned the Thessolonians:
The coming of the lawless one will be accompanied by the working of Satan, with every kind of power, sign, and false wonder, and with every wicked deception directed against those who are perishing, because they refused the love of the truth that would have saved them. For this reason God will send them a powerful delusion so that they believe the lie, in order that judgment may come upon all who have disbelieved the truth and delighted in wickedness.
Are we not living daily “a powerful delusion?” Parents are having their children mutilated in the bizarre delusion that their sons are actually daughters and their daughter actually sons. The state of California even allows the abduction of children from other states for the purpose of gender mutilation. A former and would-be future president of the United States is under arrest and facing trial for the crimes Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton have committed and continue to commit. Two elections were stolen, and the entity most harmed—the Republican Party—demands no one even investigate the crime! People who exercised their First Amendment rights are in jail for 22 years even though they did not take part in an assembly that became unruly. Look around and you see the inversion of everything! Science has abolished the scientific method and returned to gnostic “knowing” based on job titles.
Did you know that inversion is a demonic principle? I wrote about Fr. Chad Ripperger’s definition of demonic principles last year:
The second principle is Inversion. Inversion is such an important principle at the this moment, I will repeat that section here:
Transgenderism is the attempted inversion of the most basic fact of life. Carried to its surgical extreme, transgenderism involves the mutilation of the genitalia to resemble in some degree its inversion.
More broadly, everything the left accuses its enemies of doing, the left is doing and has done and intends to do again. We saw this with Russia collusion fraud where Hillary Clinton and her campaign colluded with Russians to create a false dossier of alleged Trump crimes, then accused Trump and all around him of colluding with the Russians.
How about so-called “disinformation.” The FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, all the major news outlets, and all Democrat politicians accuse conservatives of spreading disinformation. Recently, the DHS created a Ministry of Truth, whose sole purpose was to remove from the internet any news or opinions in conflict with the “approved” truths. Yet, it has been the left and its minions in the FBI and CIA that has perfected the art of disinformation. The CIA and the Defense Advance Research Project Agency (DARPA) have been testing mass formation psychosis techniques on the public for at least 15 years. They brag about it. In DARPA’s own words (circa 2012):
DARPA launched the Narrative Networks program to understand how narratives influence human cognition and behavior, and apply those findings in international security contexts. The program aims to address the factors that contribute to radicalization, violent social mobilization, insurgency, and terrorism among foreign populations, and to support conflict prevention and resolution, effective communication and innovative PTSD treatments.
What could be more inverted than abortion where a child is murdered in the very sanctuary of its mother’s womb? Thus, the left turns the safest place on earth into the most dangerous. And turns the person humans are engineered to trust most—their mothers—into their primary and most lethal enemies. (Read about mothers, natural law, and baby formula.)
You can probably think of a dozen more instances of inversion that occur every day, where good is proclaimed evil and evil good. While inversion is almost exclusively practiced by the left, inversion is always of the devil. And it always involves lying.
Now, we have, perhaps, the ultimate spiritual inversion in which the Bride of Christ, the Catholic Church, the only institution He founded, the promulgator of the Holy Bible, headed by, at best, an idiot useful to the demonic netherworld and, at worst, a voluntary emissary from hell.
But don’t take my word for it. Listen to the viral sermon from Fr. James Altman which he was recording about the same Robert Royal and I were writing our recent posts:
If you’re keeping score, three men who’ve never met each other reach a terrifying, almost unthinkable conclusion on the same day and felt called upon to alert the world regardless of the temporal consequences. What I mean by that is we could all be formally excommunicated by the Church for speaking the truth in a perfect inversion of the commandments of Jesus Christ who ordered all Christians to speak the truths propounded by The Truth Himself.
Am I now suggesting the three of us have some gnostic connection to the universe that allows us to know things other cannot? Far from it.
I believe all people living a state of grace know what’s up if they have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. I also believe that the Holy Ghost acts on some of us precisely to help the scales fall from the eyes of others. We might make human errors in our presentations of these truths—these obvious truths. But we are simply reporting what most others are feeling.
It was the same with the launch of the Tea Party movement where the number one reason people gave for “joining” the movement was because the Tea Party articulated “exactly what I was feeling.” Thus, the reporters of this news are not gnostics with insider information; they’re just ordinary people who resist the urge to play it safe and keep our ideas to ourselves. We are scared of saying the quiet part out loud, but we’re more scared of keeping it to ourselves. We know we need the strength of others to stand against the leviathan beast, so take the chance of sounding crazy in hopes others who have the same “feeling” will join us.
My life would be so much better if I kept my head down and my mouth shut. So would my family’s lives. We all suffer, in some degree, for my big mouth. No doubt Robert Royal would be better off writing about great travel destinations. And Fr. Altman had his ministry—his vocation—revoked for speaking the truth. Yes, the truth will set you free, but it will set you free first from the means of putting a roof over your head and food on your table. In an inverted world where demons run amok, the truth is a crime punishable by death. Just ask the J6 defendants and Donald Trump.
As October approaches, you will wonder what dread thing it will summons. Will the supposed pope attempt to dogmatize falsehood in the name of pleasing this world and its princes? Will the world government attempt to force universal gene therapy? Will the depopulation agenda step up its attempts to reduce humanity to a few million scattered souls toiling for the pleasure a wicked ruling elite?
Everything could fall apart quickly simply because everything has been set up to fall apart. The world and civilization are a huge Janga tower with the foundation stripped away to a single block, its precipice leaning ominously to the east, and Joe Biden shuffling unsteadily to make the next move.
Things are coming together to take things apart—from Washington to Rome to Kiev to Niamey a malicious band of thieves seeks to control the world for one ultimate purpose: to expel the Triune God and keep His creation for itself.
Our response must be prayerful resistance. Conspicuous resistance. There is no cowering. We are not cloistered religious who took vows of silence. As Dr. Marshall likes to exhort: be the Maccabee!
Do not be afraid that your actions will be in vain or that you will say the wrong thing. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit will give you the words, which is my repetative silent prayer before I write or speak in public, “Holy Ghost, give me the words.” St. Paul also told the Thessolonians:
But we should always thank God for you, brothers who are loved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning to be saved by the sanctification of the Spirit and by faith in the truth. To this He called you through our gospel, so that you may share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, brothers, stand firm and cling to the traditions we taught you, whether by speech or by letter.
Paul’s admonition always and everywhere applied to the individual. Now, it applies to us all. In groups of those who are saying exactly what you’re feeling. And I trust your mind’s eye sees those doddering old fools shakily reaching for the Janga block that’s certain bring the game to an end.
Be the Maccabee. In the absence of orders, take appropriate action. Do everything as a prayer, in union with the Holy Ghost and for the greater glory of God. You may stumble, but you cannot fail, for the final score was already given in the Book of Revelation. We will be present at the bridegroom’s banquet if we avoid the lukewarmness that gets us vomited out of His mouth.
Simultaneous independent awareness has struck each of us, and you know it. Likewise, the end is always near for each of individually, so live today as if tomorrow is for someone else. And say the Rosary every day. Deus vult!
P.S. The links embedded in this post are there for a reason. Please follow and read or watch. Robert Royal, Fr. Altman, and Taylor Marshall impart far more knowledge and wisdom than I do.