Which Is Worse: Canada's Overt Totalitarianism or America's Covert Private Government?
The illusion of the democratic republic is dead
The last remaining dreamers got a rude awakening this week.
Canada, one of the most-free countries on earth over the past ten years, according to the Heritage Foundation Index, declared martial law to suppress anti-totalitarian mandates.
In the USA, John Durham revealed that the Department of Justice and the CIA served as Hillary Clinton’s secret police to steal the 2016 election. Hillary and her G-Men then used the government’s powers of spying and propaganda to weaken the Trump administration by fabricating and prosecuting imaginary crimes.
The question is, which revelation is worse? Would you rather live in an overtly totalitarian Canada where the government freely admits the people are the enemy of the government or in a covert surveillance state where hidden forces destroy human lives in the shadows?
Lessons from Weight Belts
I never used a weight belt for heavy lifting (squats and deadlifts). I’d read somewhere that the belt is a crutch that does the core’s work for it, meaning the abdominal muscles and spinal erectors remain weak. I was so convinced of the logic of this argument that I glossed over strength coach Mark Rippetoe’s section on the belts when I read (and re-read many times) his masterpiece, Starting Strength.
But after a mild back injury a few weeks ago, I decided I needed to learn more about lifting.
It turns out the consensus expert opinions on weight belts I’d relied upon were all wrong. Weight belts make the core stronger. From Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe:
A belt protects the spine by increasing the amount of pressure that can be applied to it by the muscles that support it. The belt itself reinforces the “cylinder” of the ab muscles around the spine. At the same time, the belt acts as a proprioceptive cue for a harder abdominal muscle contraction: you can actually squeeze harder with a belt on than you can without one, just as you can push harder against a loaded barbell than you can against a broomstick. This effect ultimately produces both stronger abs, due to the stronger isometric contraction facilitated by the belt, and a stronger squat, due to the heavier loads made possible by the more stable spine.1
The experts were wrong. Because the belt gives your abs something to push against, they allow a stronger push, not a weaker one. The belt provides resistance, not assistance. So I got a belt.
I learned several lessons in this episode. I learned, again, not assume the science is settled. I learned, again, not to trust the “experts.” And, I learned that an overt enemy is better than a covert one.
Canada’s Government Is a Weight Belt
Canada’s overt use of emergency powers to suppress dissent is a blessing. The enemy of the people has revealed himself to Canadians, giving them a target. When that enemy is gone, their current problem is solved.
Overt enemies are a blessing because, like a weight belt, they give us something push against. And our contractions make us stronger.
The US Government Is a Tumor
Meanwhile, the US government and so many of its institutions are hidden dangers, like tumors. Like air, they give us nothing to push against. Like cancer, a few malign cells deep inside otherwise wholesome and positive institutions multiplied undetected for years. By the time symptoms appeared, the time for treatment was past.
Covert enemies are a curse because, like a broomstick, they allow us to go about the motions of democracy without building strength. They weaken us while giving us illusion of exercise.
Lift Weights and Resist the Government
You’ve heard the phrase, “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.” That’s true unless the baby is actually a demon in disguise. Then you throw out the baby and keep the water.
John Durham’s latest court filings in his investigation of the criminal origins of the Russian Hoax prove, once again, that the United States government is demonic. Its institutions that were once symbols of freedom and order have become completely corrupted and evil.
Like you, I grew up revering the US military, the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Justice. I saw them as bulwarks against communism and fascism. I trusted them.
But a cell went bad some time ago, and now the entire body of government of the United States is a malignant facade. Beneath its Romanesque shell lies a labrinthe of totalitarian rot that secretly manipulates your every thought and corrupts your being with every breath.
“When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.” (Matthew 12:43-45)
In short, the baby the founders birthed in 1789 has become worse than the monster they rebelled against in 1775. The impure spirit we expelled to begin the American Experiment has returned with seven others more wicked than itself.
America needs an exorcism while Canada merely needs a revolution.
Give me a visible enemy over an invisible one any day.
Rippetoe, Mark. Starting Strength . The Aasgaard Company. Kindle Edition.