What The World Needs Now: A Trump Book
Do you want to know what Trump supporters are thinking? Many people do.
If you supported Ted Cruz, you might not understand how the guy who wrote The Conservative Manifesto in 1993 could support Trump.
If you supported Marco Rubio or Ben Carson last year, how do you reconcile your convictions with Donald Trump’s bizarre life?
Is Donald Trump a conservative or not?
I’ve written a new book about all these things, and you can buy your copy soon. Keep reading to find out how to preview the book today. You’ll want to read it before the conventions, I’m sure.
If you, like me, rode an emotional rollercoaster, arms flailing, during the Republican primaries, thi a book for you. Or I will soon be. You’ll want to sign up below or read the preview soon. Not now, but in a moment. First, read this (unless you just can’t wait).
If you, like me, struggled with supporting Donald Trump in the general election, it’s probably not your fault. More likely, conflicting messages and priorities left you unclear about what’s best for our country.
There’s a good chance making America great again is high on your priority list, but you might question the motives of the man who made “Make America Great Again” so popular. That’s fair, isn’t it?
I don’t know if I have the secret to solving all of your life’s conflicts and concerns, but it’s nice to know you’re not alone on Trump, is it not?
And because so many people feel the same way I do (or know people who do), I decided to share my struggle and mental evolution with the world. Turning On Trump won’t solve all your problems or settle all your conflicts, but it will, you’ll soon see, give you a clear mind and conscience during the 2016 general election. So you can relax now.
This book helps people like you vote with confidence. Effortlessly. Like tying your shoes.
Very soon, you will be able to buy my new book, Turning On Trump, on Amazon. You’ll be happy you did. I’ve been told by a reviewer that Turning On Trump is the perfect book for people like you who want get inside the mind of a like-minded Trump-thinker. You’ll probably want to buy copies for friends, too.
Turning On Trump is about Donald Trump because everybody’s buying books about Trump these days.
Here’s the story. Last summer I thought Donald Trump was a clown. On KMOX Radio’s Reardon’s Round Table (Friday afternoon at 2:15), I said he’d blow up by October. On this blog, the blog you faithfully read every day, I said Trump was done after the first debate. I said terrible things about him. At the time, I thought I was right.
I wasn’t quite right about that.
Since then, my thinking on Trump has morphed. A lot. Someone called it the 5 stages of grief, but that’s probably overstating the case.
This new book, Turning On Trump, takes you through the stages of the campaign to win the Republican nomination:
** Trump the Clown: People like me saw Trump as a showman building his brand by messing with the Republican presidential primary process. ** Trump the Party Crasher: People like me saw Trump disrupting the Republican Party with new voters, threatening to upend the decades-old Republican establishment regime. ** Trump the Champion: People like me (and you) realized Trump’s nomination was inevitable and began to sort through our responses.
Turning On Trump answers those questions you’ve wrestled with for months and puts them out of your mind for good. The book might also give you great points to use when discussing Trump with friends whether you like Trump or you don’t.
No matter what, though, Turning On Trump will soon make the 2016 election easier on your heart, mind, and soul.
Turning On Trump will be available on Kindle and paperback before the Republican National Convention. But you have a chance to read a preview now and to give me valuable feedback.
Click here for a FREE preview chapter of Turning On Trump. Please leave feedback after you read the preview.
And, if you’d like to know when the book becomes available, just fill out this form. I’ll email you when it’s time, so you can relax. It’s effortless, really.
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Turning on Trump by William T. Hennessy published by The Hennessy Group LLC.
ISBN: 1533313598
ISBN-13: 978-1533313591
~164 pages (give or take). And a complete bibliography.