My dad was a cop, and I dropped out of the police academy when a significantly better job offer came along.
Hold that thought.
There Is No Cavalry
People say I’m negative. Pessimistic.
Maybe I am.
Or maybe I’m just honest with myself—with you. I see things unfolding all the time. I don’t like what I see inside the wrappings.
Instead of saying, “all’s well,” and carrying on like a 1950s nut-house patient in a lithium coma, I write about what I see.
I tell you what I see because I have faith. Faith from God. Faith that, whatever happens is the best for my soul and yours. God’s in the business of saving souls, not lives. Not comfort. He already have you life, and comfort is for eternity. If I didn’t believe that, I’d keep all my apocalyptic horror stories to myself. Telling the truth is an act of faith, not character.
Today’s message: there is no cavalry. No one is coming to save you. Not the Army, not the Knights of Columbus, not the police. We’re on our own.

One Hour to Kill a Madman With a Gun
The police story is unravelling by the hour. It’s summarized in this tweet.1
So has the original claim by police that they arrived in 4 minutes. That claim might be true if they meant four minutes after Ramos entered the school. (I now assume everything said by every law enforcement official is a lie.) But now we know police arrived at least 16 minutes after the shooting began, as described succinctly by Matt Walsh:
If this sounds familiar, it’s because it is.
Remember this?
Altogether, four officers were fired for refusing to enter the building. They hid behind their vehicles until the shooting stopped.
They all got their jobs back.
Like it or not, the officers were only following protocol.
There is no cavalry.
We Trained the Killers
After Sandy Hook, schools, municipalities, and states started mandating “active shooter” drills in schools. It’s a traumatic exercise for staff, teachers, and students. Like the Covid horror stories of the last two years, the drills are meant to scare people into compliance. They’re not meant to save lives.
Salvador Ramos was eight years old when Sandy Hook happened. That means he was nine when he experienced his first intruder drill. He likely observed a total seven drills.
One adverse side effect of these drills is that they teach future shooters how people will respond. Since “shelter in place” is the universal directive for every event these days, shooters know they will face no resistance from the staff. Or from elementary school students. (High school boys might break the rules and mount a counter offensive. Testosterone.)
Ramos knew the drill, so to speak. He was in no hurry because he didn’t have to be.
So he casually shot at people outside a funeral home. Then he fired some rounds at the school building. Then he climbed a fence, walked into an unlocked door, and went about his diabolic work.
Police arrive 16 minutes after the first shots were fired—four minutes after Ramos disappeared into the school. Forty-four minutes before Border Patrol agents entered the building and killed Ramos.
Don’t Call the Police
The police didn’t just mill about smartly, eating donuts. They were doing their job preventing anyone else from trying to save lives.

Federal police arrested a mother who tried to enter the building to save her child. But, being incompetent, their restraint failed to contain the woman. She broke free, entered the school, and retrieved the kid while police harassed the public. Via The Gateway Pundit.
Police pointed their tasers at parents who were planning to defy authorities and enter the building.
Still think the cavalry is coming?
Salvador Ramos’s epitaph: “I couldn’t have done it without law enforcement.”
Are you thinking, “surely, the federal government will investigate this response by law enforcement?” The answer is no. First of all, this event was overseen by the federal agents. Secondly, the White House quickly dismissed calls for action.
There is no cavalry.
You Are the Cavalry
As I’ve written before, conservatives tend to think proper authorities will handle it.
They won’t.
The authorities won’t come to your assistance simply because there are no proper authorities.
Authority is a complex thing, as I’m learning from Dominion by Fr. Chad Ripperger. Authority structures are either perfectly good or perfectly evil.
Once upon a time in America, people at the top of authority structures were mostly good. Now, the heads of things are almost universally bad. And their evil infects the entire systems they manage.
As we concentrated more and more power into fewer and fewer hands, we assumed those hands would be good hands. But it didn’t work out that way. Now, most of the power resides in the hands of a few malicious masters. Many of them are meeting in Davos, Switzerland this week—the World Economic Forum.
The people who wrote the police protocols for school shootings that are used around the world and in your town came from these elites. The WHO universal health treaty being signed this week came from those elites. The Covid vaccines and mask mandates came from them.
You probably never heard of the names of the people who hold all this power. And that’s how they want it.
The authority structures being corrupt and evil, what are to do?
Become the cavalry.

Anyone who follows me closely on here knows exactly what my course of action would have been. Nobody has the jurisdiction to hinder my ability to provide for and protect my family. And Anyone attempting to becomes an enemy combatant immediately.
That is a cavalry statement. The police equivalent:
We will investigate this and get back to you.
Teachers are the last line of defense. But they’ve been rendered helpless by the Davos authorities. Except in this school in Ohio:
Rock Hill teachers are the cavalry.
About That Low-Grade Civil War
We get back to that low-grade civil war that has already started.
You are an army of one. If you want a larger army, you’ll have to form it yourself.

Start with your family. Recruit your best friends. Keep the numbers small. Train. Trust no one outside your army, and never cooperate with any authorities. Never.
The authority structures are corrupt.
The institutions are corrupt.
You are the head of the resistance. And no one is coming to save you.
I posted some screenshots of Twitter posts because Twitter will block all references to the Uvalde shooting that don’t include in a call for strict gun control or repeal of the Second Amendment.
Jesus preformed miracles and DID save lives; what we need now is a miracle to save both lives and souls.
We are the cavalry; we must arm up.
Thank you for so clearly highlighting the painful lessons we must take from this tragedy. We must be responsible for our own safety, and those of our loved ones. The State (in its current incarnation) does not exist for our benefit, in any way, shape or form. Rather, they consider all of us plebes as merely a source of money and, frankly, an enemy combatant, who must be kept distracted, marginalized, controlled and herded into compliance by any means necessary so as to remain in power.
I expect things to get worse before they get better. But I do believe a better future does lie ahead. But first comes the Refiner’s fire. God grant us fortitude and grace.