This article struck a nerve. It’s been hard to reconcile all the tossing and turning of the waves that arrive daily on the shore of my life. Impossible to read the tea leaves of my circumstances. Some high points to be sure, but a constant slow erosion of what I could reasonably expect out of my life has been the underlying theme I’ve detected for over a decade now.

But what I’ve been trying to do and will continue, no matter how hard or difficult or just idiotic it may feel to me, is to hold tight to the hope that Christ so freely gives. There is nothing else to stand on or cling to but the solid rock of His atoning work and eternal promises. All other ground is sinking sand.

I also hold hope for the lives of my grown children and my many little grandchildren, that there will be a future for them, one that while it may be difficult and hard, they can at least be free to do their best. And there’s even a tiny sliver down deep inside me that still holds out hope and prays for a miracle to stop the tides of madness devouring most of us whole. I don’t expect it….but God has done surprising things before. And I was reminded of the story of Elijah this week by a great post I just happened to stumble across in a comment on a substack I was reading.

Thank you for writing this. It was painful, but also fortifying, if that makes sense.

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God bless you. I could not receive a greater compliment, though completely undeserved. Thank you.

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Thank you for the uplifting reminder of hope.

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Bill, thank you for clarifying "hope" for me. I HAVE become buried in hopelessness, and I needed to be reminded that THIS is when we must have hope.

It doesn't look good - praying and fighting for good every day may be futile, but we can't stop, never stop.

Prayer is never futile, but God has his answers for us.

God Bless.

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There's more than just hope. Here are a few ideas.


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