Many more MDs agree with you then don't. We know of physicians that are pressured with loss of their medical licenses if they don't tow the line. It is true that there are many MDs that are paternalistic by nature. That's why they went into medicine. They love to tell people what to do and would find no problem with force being implemented in order to have their prescriptions carried out. There is a component of the fear of death that motivates many in white coats, as well. Not a good combination, I agree. It seems to affect our culture at large. This is due to a loss of faith in God and belief that there is nothing after this life. We also have a medical system so regulated that they can barely do their jobs. Also, the average U.S. patient by and large takes no responsibility for their health. If "Public Health" officials were honest they would site the fact that obesity increases your likelihood of death from covid (as well as everything else). Just wanted to put in a good word for honest MDs out there who let their patients know the truth whether or not the patients follow their advice (huge percentage DO NOT)

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I agree, Carole. I've updated this post with a link to my earlier post praising good doctors. You're right: Big Medicine threatens doctors who dare to actually practice medicine instead of just following the script—a script written by the same people who prescribe a diet designed to make people obese. I am being harsh on doctors in hopes some will overcome their fears of Big Medicine. I don't know if it will work or just piss them off.

BTW, about six years ago, my doctor (since forced to retire) asked what I did to improve my blood count so dramatically in just one year. I told him fasting, Keto, and heavy lifting. He said, "I'd tell everyone to do that, but I'd lose my license." So, I realize the that tyrannical BS medical oligarchs have pushed this. But it's going to require that majority of quiet doctors to rebel. If they are the majority, they can overthrow the system and rebuild something that works.

Thank you, so much, for reminding me to balance my posts, though. I need that.

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Didn't mean to imply posts not balanced. Appreciate your humility, though

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