John Simmons for Missouri House District 109 (Franklin County)
The measure of a man is the enemies he makes, and John Simmons' enemies are lowest form of life in Missouri
A few weeks ago, I was out working in my front yard when I heard a car approaching. I live at the very end of a long gravel road, so the approach of a vehicle is both unusual and noticeable. It wasn’t Fedex or or UPS because it wasn’t flying fast enough to kick up a plume of gravel dust a mile the way the “professional” drivers do. It was an SUV. And it was pulling into my driveway, uninvited.
I was a little annoyed. We moved recently from Eureka in St. Louis County to some acreage surrounded by more acreage in Franklin County, in part to be able to just be outside with the dogs, neighbors, family, and nature. Unannounced visitors don’t fit that picture.
Now, I feel bad for feeling annoyed, however slightly.
The visitor was John Simmons, former and future State Representative for the district I now live in. John was a Representative until the crooked MOGOP decided he was too much like me and Bill Eigel and eliminated his district. They party replaced John with a compliant, “just happy to be here” insider who rubber stamps whatever the party asks for. (And by “party,” I mean the RINO governor and his boot-licking, half-wit sidekick the Lieutenant Governor, who shall remain nameless.)
John hopped out of the SUV, introduced himself, and asked me for my vote. We chatted for about 20 minutes (because, though I’m annoyed at unknown, unannounced visitors, I do talk a lot. Last winter, some Jehovah’s Witnesses knocked on the door at 9:00 on a Saturday morning when the temperature was in the single digits. I was still talking to them at 10:00 when the poor, frozen woman started shuffling sideways toward her car. Their punishment for harshing my mellow.)
When I gave John a bit about my background, he happily opened up about the redistricting BS that pushed him out of his seat, and I needed to hear no more. “You’ve got our votes, John,” I told him.
Afterwards, though I’m not a big issues guy, I checked his voting record in the House. I give it a perfect A, including numerous votes and bills that House leadership did not like. Which is why they districted him out. Which is why we need him.
Like Bill Eigel, John Simmons will represent House District 109 (Washington/Union) with one eye on Washington DC and one on the rancid vermin that tend to control the state’s Republican Party. (You know whom I’m talking about, and it ain’t the grassroots trying to take over.) I have utmost confidence that John Simmons will be a Rep. I am proud of, one who will protect our rights, the unborn, and election integrity.
Check out John’s website, John Simmons for State Rep1, and his FABULOUS record on Vote Smart. You’ll love him so much you’ll vote for John Simmons for State Rep on August 5.
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