Big stories will still find you when you turn off social media and stop news-hunting. And a vital report found me today, the first day of my annual un-plugging. It’s a headline from a Fox News story:
I didn’t read the story and didn’t have to. Neither do you. If you’re a parent or a taxpayer, you know that most public school districts are out of control—their boards that do little for education but a lot of the education industry.
They buy unproven learning systems from big publishers at an extremely high cost.
They hire consultants who make things worse.
They hire superintendents with political agendas to impose the community
They act like the teachers’ unions are their bosses
That Fox News headline says it all: Democrats say parents and taxpayers should give them their money and shut up.
No more.
It’s time to start a two-pronged attack to take back the schools.
Take Over School Boards
First, make your local school board election the most important race in your life. Then, stop fixing Washington DC before you fix the school down the street. It’s much easier to get a few thousand neighbors to show up and vote than to get a few million people in states you’ve never visited to vote.
Many of my readers live in Rockwood School District, a national disaster. However, two candidates for Rockwood Schools stand out:
Izzy Imig, a true war hero originally from Iraq, understands the current board’s policies pose threats. She is a natural fighter who will put parents and taxpayers back in charge.
Jessica Clark is a fearless fighter for American values rooted in solid families and excellent schools. She has seen Rockwood drift away from the community’s values and will use the power you give her to restore order and decency to Rockwood.
I have met both of these women. They are fighting to win and go out of their way to meet the voters. But they can’t do it alone.
Great candidates need great support. But unfortunately, conservatives have a history of ignoring April elections and ignoring school board elections. That’s precisely how we got into this mess.
Tell your friends and neighbors Rockwood needs Izzy and Jessica. We need them now. And they need you on April 5.
Property Tax Rollbacks
The second prong to the battle is property tax rollbacks.
School districts gone bad used your money to do it. They use your money to stock pornography in school libraries. They use your money to buy bad, theoretical, and unproven learning systems with which to miseducate your kids.
Worse, they use your money to fund campaigns to raise your taxes.
Taxpayers need to start initiative campaigns to roll back property taxes. Starve the beast.
Taxpayers have every right to impose their will on the schools they commissioned and funded. Don’t let Democrats tell you otherwise.
Putting a property tax rollback initiative on a future ballot will consume 100% of the district’s staff’s attention. Just getting enough petition signatures to put a rollback on the ballot will do wonders. You won’t hear superintendents saying parents should have no voice in education with a 20% pay cut headed his way.
I know it sounds harsh to impose one’s will on another, but every employee of a school district is serving at the leisure of the taxpayers. When a district gets out of line, it is the people’s right and duty to smack it back into shape, and nothing gets an education administrator’s attention like a loss of funds. They’re coin-operated.
Start Today
Find out the date of your next school board election.
Meet the candidates.
Pick one excellent candidate for each open position.
Fund that candidate.
Tell your neighbors.
Put up yard signs.