If you supplement (vitamins etc.) do you increase, decrease or maintain the regimen during the fast?

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I swallow a lot of pills every day. I use the Roman Testosterone Support supplement which covers Vitamin D, zinc, magnesium, copper, and a couple other things. Also quercetin pygeum. I take those while fasting (0 cal.) and add activated charcoal. (Not sure the charcoal does anything, but some of the naturo docs I follow recommend it. It can't hurt.)

Thanks for reading and commenting!

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Great read. Couple of questions:

I’ve done 3-4 day fasts in the past, but would have a couple of cans of beef stock. 3-4g of protein @ 15 cal ea. Do you see a problem with that? Seemed to go thru same stages as you described.

Also, were/are you still doing Starting Strength training during the fasts? If so, do you step down the weight during the fast as it relies on a protein excess.


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Hi, Jerry. Thanks for reading and for the question.

First, consuming a small amount of calories in beef bone broth is great, but it might pause some of the autophagy process for a few hours. My suggestion is to fast more frequently (once a month or every six weeks) and be less of a perfectionist about zero calories the whole time. I would, though, try to keep the first 48 hours clean to quickly burn off the glycogen. Your body whines (hunger, fatigue) when it has to dip into the glycogen reserves for sugar energy. Once the glycogen gets low enough, though, your body sort of capitulates and starts running on ketones. The faster you burn off glycogen, the more benefit and the less "suffering."

Regarding lifting while fasting, I don't intentionally back off at all, but I sometimes miss a rep or even a final set on day 5 of the fast, assuming that's my third lift since the fast began. I really don't notice any drop in stamina on days 1 thru 3 of a fast. It also helps that I'm old enough that I increment with the fancy washers to avoid injury. (I'd rather post a 1/2 lbs. increase in a lift than sit out six weeks with an injury.)

Thanks, again.

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Thanks for the feedback. I started a fast Friday afternoon. Did a SS workout, came home & had a protein shake & double cheeseburger (no bun of course), just tea & water since. Aiming for 5 days, maybe 6. Haven’t done a fast for a long time but I’m planning on putting them in my planner at least once a quarter for now. I hadn’t stocked up on any beef broth so I’ll just skip it.

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