Now I am really wondering about all I read about the jab. I continually read that the covid-19 virus has never been isolated. Have you heard that? If so, this "actual vaccine" could not be made from a "weakened form of the virus."

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Those are two different things. By “isolated” is meant genetic sequencing. I have heard that the virus has not been completely sequenced. But vaccines based on weakened viruses existed almost 200 years before any virus had been genetically sequenced.

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I thought the argument I keep hearing, that this is not a vaccine, is precisely because it does not have any weakened or dead (probably not the correct term) virus in them. And, that they (vaccine developers) don't have any covid-19 virus that they can weaken to use in a vaccine. Which would beg the question, how can the PCR test or any test confirm one has covid-19?

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