When a Woman's "No" Does Not Mean "No"
Congresswoman Cori Bush (D-MO) describes being the victim of a forced abortion
All quotes courtesy of PBS via FoxNews.com
"So I said, ‘No, you know what, I’m not ready.’ And the nurse just, you know, wouldn’t listen to me."
Cori Bush was 19 when she sought her second abortion. Before the procedure began—perhaps moved by her guardian angel—she changed her mind.
"And I got into the last room. I was helped up onto the table by the nurse. And I laid there and started to think, well, one, I didn’t tell the father that that was about to happen…and I just felt like I needed more time."
The nurse, the assistant, and the doctor ignored Bush’s pleas to stop. Via Fox News:
"And I said, ‘No, I’m not ready.’ And as I’m saying ‘No,' they continued to pull the instruments and, you know, and get everything ready," Bush recalled.
"They absolutely ignored me," Bush said. "Even to the point of, you know, like, ‘Calm down.’ As if I was the problem."
How Many Times?
Cori Bush is not the first woman to testify that, once inside an abortion clinic, it’s almost impossible to turnaround. But most women who are ignored by abortionists are not members of Congress. They don’t have a platform.
Cori Bush does have a platform, and I applaud her for bringing the world’s attention to the criminal activities that go in Planned Parenthood and other abortion centers.
We often here that “no means no” when it comes to sex. The law in almost every state allows a woman to change her mind about intercourse, or any sex act, at any point. Men who continue the act after the woman has said “stop” or “no” is subject to criminal prosecution for rape.
Apparently, state law in Missouri allows no safe word for abortions. Once inside, a woman become the property of the clinic. Cori Bush learned this the hard way.

The interview, available in the tweet above, is a devastating indictment of the abortion industry. Bush repeatedly asked them to stop, but the staff refused. More than refused, they became hostile toward their patient.
"They absolutely ignored me," Bush said. "Even to the point of, you know, like, ‘Calm down.’ As if I was the problem." (source)
Pro-abortion politicians mock pro-lifers who talk about the violence done to women in abortion, yet here is a socialist, hard-left Congresswomen confirming the worst accusation against these death chambers.
Which raises the question, why are abortionists so . . .barbaric?
Abortion Is a Satanic Ritual
Survivors of demonic possession and oppression say they must do what the demons demand to experience some relief from their torments. Abortion is always an act of homage to Satan.
Put those two facts together, and you begin understand why abortionists force abortions on reluctant women. To pacify their demons. To reap the promised rewards demons dangle before them.
Abortionists chose to kill human babies for a living. They’re not good people to begin with, but actually participating in murder, we are told, opens one up to demonic attack. It’s reasonable to assume professional baby killers experience rather extreme demonic attacks. They also receive preternatural, but temporal, rewards. Just as Satan offered Jesus the entire world, he offers each of us worldly prizes to pay homage to him. Abortionists are no exception.
But every demonic gift comes with a very strong strings attached. You will be “asked” to do more. And more often. And it seems to be an offer you can’t refuse.
So, abortionists forcibly kill your baby to spare themselves an uncomfortable conversation with the devil.
Cori Bush Blames Racism
Sadly, Ms. Bush did not learn her lesson after her forced abortion. Bush blames the abortionists’ callousness on racism. But race had nothing to do with it. Countless white and Asian women have been ignored and forced into abortions.
No, Ms. Bush, racism didn’t kill your baby; evil did. A culture of death holds sway in America, and your baby is just one of millions of victims.
I pray that Ms. Bush’s guardian angel helps her see the truth so she can repent of the practice and promotion of abortion altogether. Until she turns against this abomination, she will continue to be haunted by the spiritual voices of her dead babies.
For the rest of us, if you’ve ever wondered whether abortion is really all that bad, Ms. Bush gives you the answer. It is the the most evil sin one human can commit upon another. It is a sin against love of neighbor and a sin against love of God. And it must be stopped.