You haven’t heard much about Covid-19, pandemics, Wuhan labs, vaccines, myocarditis, or Dr. Fauci lately, have you?
That’s no accident. And, not Ukraine is not such a big deal that it deserves first billing. Global authoritarianism with concentration camps for the unvaccinated is a far bigger threat to humanity than Vladimir Putin. Anyone who says otherwise is a buffoon (with the possible exception of people getting shelled in Ukraine. Immediacy alters priorities.)
The reason you don’t hear about Covid-19 anymore is because the government doesn’t want you to. And the government pays media, including Fox News, to broadcast only the official government line.
You got that right: Media, including Fox News, read HHS propaganda as if it were legitimate news throughout the pandemic. They were paid to read these ads but did not disclose they were ads. That’s fraud, and it’s against the law. The Gateway Pundit and Hennessy’s View are required to disclose that paid content is paid content. But Fox News, CNN, and the New York Times are not. Via Blaze News:
We can safely assume that the government is spoon-feeding coverage of the Russia-Ukraine war to the networks and newspapers, too. Once you teach a corporation that it can get paid to do something, corporations won’t do that thing unless it gets paid. Behavioral scientists call this “crowding out.” This is why I view all news about Ukraine with a jaundiced eye, and so should you.
Newsmax, too, took government bribes to broadcast Covid propaganda. If you were wondering why Newsmax fired employees to declined to get vaccinated, that’s why. Newsmax and Fox took bribes to force employees to get vaccinated and to force employees to pass as news government/Pfizer propaganda.
When Alex Berenson says it’s impossible to be too cynical, he’s using understatement. Everything on earth is corrupt. Everything.
Between hard data and trucker protests, the pandemic has become a political liability for the elites. So they instructed their bribe-takers at Fox, Newsmax, and all the rest of media to bury the story. And the crooked media obeyed like good little slaves.
Whenever you hear or read a story on Fox News or Newsmax, you must immediately ask yourself, “who would be willing to pay to have me believe this?”
Now that you know, you can look at Ukraine-Russia through a new lens.
Skepticism is not enough. Give me cynicism, or give me death!
They have always made the most money from Big Pharma. Sad