What Would You Do If You Were Putin?
You saw Obama stand by as you threatened Georgia in 2009.
You heard Obama whisper to Medvedev that he’ll be willing to defy Congress to capitulate to you after Obama’s re-election.
You watched Obama and his bumbling Secretary of State mangle its its own strategy in Syria—if the US ever had a Syrian strategy at all.
You saw that the US was completely unprepared for your annexation of Crimea.
You see the headlines of massive NSA spying on US citizens, though that same NSA was blind to your invasion of Ukraine.
And you know that Obama will be a lame duck, weakened, unpopular president until January 20, 2017.
Think is, you have no idea what kind of leader will follow Obama.
You remember that the American people replaced a similarly weak and bumbling Jimmy Carter with the determined, affable cowboy Ronald Reagan.
If you’re Vladimir Putin, wouldn’t you grab all the land you can before the next American election?
Book That Called Russia’s Expansionism.