What No One's Telling You About Donald Trump
Relax as you read, because knowledge is power. This simple post will arm you with powerful knowledge that will help you navigate the election. And it will only take a few minutes. No time at all.
Here’s what the press refuses to tell you: The man in the picture is the next President of the United States. You might as well start calling him “President Trump.”
Three national polls came out this week. Trump leads in all of them. And he’s in first place on the RCP Average, a sort of poll of polls. One hundred percent leads for Donald Trump. Fox News, Rasmussen, and ABC News/Washington Post all show the same thing: America loves Trump. And, as hockey color man Darren Pang would say, why wouldn’t we?
Build On Strengths #
Business management guru Peter Drucker liked to remind his clients and readers that people of great strength are also people of great weakness. He urged managers to avoid hiring people who had no downside, no baggage, no weaknesses because those people also had no vision, no potential, and no strengths. In The Effective Executive, Drucker demonstrated the principle of building on strengths using Abraham Lincoln and General Ulysses S. Grant:
President Lincoln when told that General Grant, his new commander-in-chief, was fond of the bottle said: “If I knew his brand, I’d send a barrel or so to some other generals.” After a childhood on the Kentucky and Illinois frontier, Lincoln assuredly knew all about the bottle and its dangers. But of all the Union generals, Grant alone had proven consistently capable of planning and leading winning campaigns. Grant’s appointment was the turning point of the Civil War. It was an effective appointment because Lincoln chose his general for his tested ability to win battles and not for his sobriety, that is, for the absence of a weakness.
Lincoln learned this the hard way however. Before he chose Grant, he had appointed in succession three or four Generals whose main qualifications were their lack of major weaknesses. As a result, the North, despite its tremendous superiority in men and materiel, had not made any headway for three long years from 1861 to 1864. In sharp contrast, Lee, in command of the Confederate forces, had staffed from strength. Every one of Lee’s generals, from Stonewall Jackson on, was a man of obvious and monumental weaknesses. But these failings Lee considered— rightly— to be irrelevant. Each of them had, however, one area of real strength— and it was this strength, and only this strength, that Lee utilized and made effective. As a result, the “well-rounded” men Lincoln had appointed were beaten time and again by Lee’s “single-purpose tools,” the men of narrow but very great strength.*
You might have heard about Donald Trump’s great weaknesses. He doesn’t drink like U.S. Grant did, but he has other weaknesses. He has a weakness for beautiful women, especially women from Eastern Europe. He has a weakness for speaking his mind, especially on Twitter. He has a weakness for counterpunching those who attack him. He has a weakness for trying new businesses and business models. He has a weakness for reminding people of his amazing accomplishments in life, like turning a $1 million gift from his father into a $10 billion real estate empire.
[Tweet “Trump, Lincoln, and Grant. Read all about it. “]
Those are all great weaknesses, are they not?
Those weaknesses are offset by some amazing strengths, just like Drucker said. But no one tells you about Donald Trump’s strengths. Except for Donald Trump. As Trump begins his march toward a crushing landslide win in November, some familiarity with Donald Trump’s great strengths will make your thinking more powerful, and powerful thinking makes powerful decisions, does it not?
Some of Trump’s Great Strengths #
Here are some of Trump’s strengths:
** People love the way Trump loves America ** Everyone admits Trump raised amazing successful children ** Professionals admire Trump’s negotiation skills ** Millions have read Trump’s masterpiece, The Art of the Deal ** People benefit from Trump sharing his formula for getting rich in his book How To Get Rich ** Millions of people are learning about persuasion because of Trump’s campaign ** People who’ve felt rejected and unprotected feel Trump is on their side ** Trump’s employees love him, especially many women he’s helped ** Trump’s ex-wife endorsed him. So did the other one. ** Ronald Reagan’s views on major issues aligned with Trump’s ** Trump fights for his team, and he’s on Team America ** Everybody knows Trump speaks about concrete results not abstract ideas ** The people Trump scares are people who should be scared ** Everyone can understand what Trump’s talking about ** We all see that Trump dresses well ** We also see that Trump runs wildly successful businesses he built himself ** Experts admit Trump mitigates risk to take chances ** You know that Trump entertains people
Strengths Matter #
The more strengths you have, the better you’ll do, and a lack of weaknesses means an absence of strengths.
Americans seem to have fallen in love with people who have no weaknesses, and that’s a terrible thing. We say want candidates who are flawless. But, as we have seen here, flawless characters are boring and incompetent. They screw everything up, even though they screw it up slowly, over time. But mediocrity is un-American, isn’t it? Don’t you want to Make America Great Again? I do.
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Almost everyone in America agrees our country is headed in the wrong direction on almost every measure. Turning around a great country of 320 million people will take great strength, won’t it? If it were easy, we’d have done it already.
The reason Trump now leads in every major poll released this week: people want strength. We’ve seen the failure of electing or nominating people who lack weaknesses. People without weaknesses are losers.
I think it’s time to elect to a man of many great strengths, even if that means cringing at his weaknesses. You probably have both strengths and weaknesses, too, right? Well, don’t you want a president like you?
Now you’re armed with the power of knowledge. You know that Trump is winning all the major polls, and you know he’s a man of great weaknesses and great strengths, like Abraham Lincoln demanded in his greatest general. You probably feel better about yourself, and you’re probably proud to know that everyone will be saying “President Trump” like you very soon.
If you have weaknesses, you should tell everyone in the comments. You can tell us about your amazing strengths, too, if you’d like. People like reading your comments.
*Drucker, Peter F. (2009-10-06). The Effective Executive (Harperbusiness Essentials) (p. 72). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.