Vaxxholes Accuse of the Unvaccinated of Having Blood on their Hands—For Not Warning Against Vaccines!
The entitled stupidity of the pro-vaccination crowd is infuriating
Mother Angelica said of a fellow nun that God puts some people into our lives to make us saints.
Her point was that some people are so annoying that they try our charity. You know the kinds of people we’re talking about here—privileged, entitled, ignorant, lazy, and wrong.
Think of the Vaxxholes—the know-it-alls who ran around the country demanding vaccination passports for everyone. The people who refused to work with the unvaccinated. The people who announced their vaccination status to everyone they met, even cashiers at the grocery store. (BTW, announcing their own vaxx status was a passive-aggressive manipulation to probe for the other person’s status.)
The Vaxxholes posted their vaccination cards on Twitter and bragged about getting their kids jabbed on the first day of the EUA for children. They were the Champions of Pfizer, the Moderna Mobsters of 2021 and 2022.
And, now, as they learn that the vaccinations are killing them and their families, they seek to blame us, the unvaccinated, for their demise.
You cannot make this up.
In a post on the website IQfy, the Vaxxholes write:
The unvaccinated knew what we didn't. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.
That’s right. The Pure Bloods are the reason young athletes are dropping like flies right before our eyes every day. The unvaccinated caused the 1,600% increase in deaths among vaccinated people under 50 in 2021.
We stand accused of withholding valuable information about the dangers and ineffectiveness of Covid vaccines causing countless deaths and disabilities. It’s all our fault.
Maybe they’re right. Maybe I never posted this blog on May 20, 2020, with a section titled: There Probably Won’t Be a Coronavirus Vaccine:
Perhaps I never warned the public that the unvaccinated might become caregivers for the vaccinated in a Pfizer-induced zombie apocalypse:
Or, maybe thousands of physicians were not banned from social media for warning against the shots and promoting alternative, inexpensive, safe, and effective therapeutics like Ivermectin and hydroxychloquine.
Maybe we all imagined being told by our employers to get the shot before it’s mandated if we want to continue our employment.
Maybe no one was ever asked for proof of vaccination before entering a restaurant or their place of work.
The Vaxxholes and Mask Nazis exposed themselves for three years. We know who they are and we see the cesspools where their souls should be. We know they can’t be trusted ever again.
We remember neighbors turning in neighbors for walking their dogs without masks. We remember Mask Nazis screaming at and shoving maskless shoppers in grocery stores. We remember police choking young women who caught maskless in city parks. We remember surfers going to jail for surfing. We remember playgrounds being buried under tons of sand to prevent children from playing outside. We remember dystopian plexiglass cages built around school desks. We remember our Twitter suspension and Facebook incriminations for even mentioning unofficial experts’ names.
The last three years showed us that many Americans have no use for self-governance or liberty or even the scientific method. They want a brutal authoritarian regime to punish their fellow man into cowardly submission. They want compliance. And they crave the authority to punish anyone who violates their perverted view of the way things ought to be.
Forgive the Vaxxholes, but never trust them. And understand that retributive justice is morally sound. Society needs a reckoning.