Vaccine Mandates Violate America's Most Basic Promise
Vaccine mandates present people with a choice: submit to an irreversible medical procedure that’s of little benefit and potentially great harm or lose your basic rights of citizenship.
Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines operate by altering human DNA. They are not inoculations, but genetic modifiers. This means the COVID vaccines represent an irreversible medical procedure, not just shot in the arm. And, unlike an irreversible surgery, these vaccines unalterably change the source code of every cell in the human body. A vaccinated person is, literally, a different creature two weeks after the first shot. And every new cell his body creates will be a copy of this mutated creature.
You must understand the significance of that when you think about the metaphysical effects of regulations meant to coerce free men and women to submit to this irreversible procedure. You must also consider that these vaccines were subject to less medical scrutiny than any vaccines ever introduced to medicine. In particular, unlike all other vaccines, the COVID vaccines benefited from no long-term study. They have not been subjected to the gold standard of testing–—the test of time.
Finally, before we move on, you should know and consider that the COVID vaccines have caused more death and bodily harm in 10 months than all other vaccines combined over the past 20 years. In other words, there has never been a more dangerous vaccine, even the vaccines that were pulled from the market because of safety concerns. Moreover, Pfizer falsified results of their limited testing to hide six deaths among the vaccinated subjects. (In the clinical trials involving two similar groups of subjects, half received the vaccine and half received a placebo. Twenty-one of those who received the real vaccine died while only 17 of the placebo group died. Pfizer falsified the results, reporting only 15 deaths among the vaccinated.)
To recap what you must consider:
COVID vaccines are irreversible medical procedures that forever change the person’s genetic structure.
COVID vaccines were not tested as required by the FDA or any foreign drug regulatory agency.
COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines ever released to the wild.
With those facts in mind, let’s look at what it means to force or coerce people to submit to this irreversible medical procedure.
The United States is the first nation in history to have been born of a philosophy. Our founding philosophy was succinctly summarized in the Declaration of Independence as such:
Man is endowed by his Creator with certain unalienable rights.
Among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Think about that for a moment. Because those words are so commonly known, people tend to treat them like a cliché. They are not. That simple philosophy signifies a complete inversion of man’s understanding of rights and power up to that moment in history. Though philosophers had considered the nature of rights for centuries before, no nation had ever accepted a secular philosophy as its animating principle. Before this country’s founding, all nations were based exclusively on power alone. Their national philosophy was simply the philosophy of the person or group that had the power to subdue the population.
But the United States was different. Our founders adopted a philosophy that inspired them to found a country upon it. We believe that rights descend from God to the individual, and nations are simply the collective will of those rights-bearing individuals. Government is a man-made creature which man has the right to abolish at will and the duty to abolish should the government become destructive of human rights.
Our contract with the US government is simple: the government exists because we will it to exist, just as we exist because God wills us to exist. We the gods of the government.
So, when the government attempts to force free men and women to undergo an irreversible and dangerous medical procedure, the government is, by definition, destructive to our philosophical principle of God-given rights.
Forced vaccination threatens life
Forced vaccination tramples liberty
Forced vaccination prevents pursuit of happiness
Any government coercion meant to compel citizens to undergo an irreversible and potentially deadly medical procedure in exchange for access to their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is false choice. I utterly reject the option.
Further, any government that attempts to impose that choice has forfeited its right to exist. The government must be abolished and new one, dedicated to our rights, formed in its place. Even if the government withdraws its mandates, the mere act of proposing such an egregious assault on natural rights destroys the government’s right to exist.
The contract between the government and the people is irreparably damaged. One of us must go.