Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Is a Model of Leadership
An actor shows career politicians how it's done
I expect Russia will have its way with Ukraine, but that’s beside the point. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a former actor who once played a president on TV, is making his counterparts around the world look like chumps.
My entire life, I’ve watched national leadership abandoned ship at the first sign of trouble. The Shah if Iran, the dude from Afghanistan, etc. The leaders take some spoils and head for the hills when enemy tanks breach the border.
But Zelenskyy holds his ground.
Despite being on the Kremlin’s hit list, Zelenskyy refuses to tuck tail and run from his country and his people. In his latest act of leadership, Zelenskyy posted this selfie of him and his government ministers in Kiev waiting for the Russians to get there.
Contrast that bravery and accountability with Bunker Biden, who hid in his basement during the campaign and throughout the fall of Kabul half a world away. While Biden could not face the press or the people, Kelenskyy stands awaiting the bullet. Or worse.
“We are all here. We are in Kiev. We are defending Ukraine,” he said.
Regardless of the outcome of Russia’s invasion, let Volodymyr Zelenskyy be the model of all future political leaders.
God bless him and his cabinet ministers.