Ukraine-Russia Is Grayscale, Not Black and White
Perhaps the BRICs are the last line of defense against the New World Order
We’ve been hearing about the New World Order since 1991. President George H. W. Bush declared the purpose of Desert Storm was to implement that new world order. He did not provide details.
Klaus Schwab did. “By 2030, you will own nothing and be happy about it.”
The New World Order is about surrendering your life, liberty, property, and pursuit of happiness to experts. You won’t have to worry about a thing. There will be no wars because the New World Order won’t allow wars. There won’t be crime because no one will have anything to steal. There won’t be rape because there won’t be sex because the drugs and surgeries will make us all sterile and frigid. Where will babies come from in the New World Order? That’s not your concern—now, go back to your Instagram feed like a good little boy.
Sometimes I wonder if a few of the world’s countries are trying opt out of that New World Order. A few countries like the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China.) Together, those four countries represent about half of humanity. Throw in chunks of Africa, and they’re the majority.
Yet, China, Russia, Brazil, and India hardly share a common worldview. They’re very different in the ways the United States, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Sweden are the same. What we call the “Western World” is really the remnants of the Catholic World. Though all the countries of the Western World are now semi-officially atheist and anti-Christian, their historical cultures, their legal systems, their protocols, their languages all derive directly from the Church.
These formerly Christian countries were, by and large, the ones responsible for the New World Order and all its precursors: the League of Nations, the United Nations, NATO, and, even, the UN. Some of us suspect the New World Order is really just the Medieval Church world minus God. Or, rather, that ancient world, but with the creature in charge instead of the Creator. And that’s terrifying. Man without God is nothing but a predatory animal with nuclear weapons. We’d be better off letting dogs run the place.
[Aside: the Catholic Church’s hierarchy is more New World Order than Old World Order these days, too. If forced to choose between the Social Kingship of Christ and Klaus Schwab’s worldwide ant farm, the pope and his department heads would take the first flight to Davos.]
Coronavirus was a dress rehearsal for the New World Order. We got to see how the “experts” perform without a script and in full costume. We let them run things for two years, and it was a disaster. The show must not go on. It didn’t play in Peoria. Use any theatrical cliche you want, but we can’t let 99 percent of humanity live as slaves to the one percent that made itself king. The one percenters are sadistic idiots.
The BRICs have never been fully part of the Western world. Russia is mostly in Asia geographically. Brazil was Christianized about the same time North America was, but never fully assimilated into the European cult. It retains a native flair to this day. India is India, and China is China—ancient civilizations that predate the Judeo-Christian west despite pockets of Christian influence.
It’s possible that these unassimilated four look at the New World Order and think, “never.”
I can’t blame them. I have said the same thing myself, and this is the hill to die on.
You probably noticed that Brazil, India, and China are the largest countries and largest GDPs to refuse to condemn Russia’s invasion. You’ve also noticed that both Klaus Schwab and George Soros immediately condemn them. This is the hill the Davos crowd will die on, too.
If everything I’ve said thus far is true, the Russia-Ukraine war is only the most visible speck of a much larger battle between One World Government and a handful of nations that wish to remain free. In other words, if this is the first war for the imposition of the New World Order, Russia, not Ukraine, represents freedom.
Of course, no one is allowed to think such thoughts, not in the New World Order. I’ve just committed a thought crime. A felony for which I could be hauled into the Ministry of Justice for Room 101 time. I don’t care.
This is why we have to look at the war without emotions. Emotions cloud judgment. If this is the beginning of the final showdown between the New World Order and the possibility of living the Social Kingship of Christ, we must not allow heartbreaking images on YouTube influence our judgments.
Putin is definitely the bad guy, but that doesn’t mean his cause is not just or even preferable.
Lieutenant Calley was the bad guy at My Lai, but Charlie Company’s atrocity did not make the US cause unjust. It’s possible for the wrong side to show great love and for the right side to do great evil. But if emotions drive your thinking, you won’t ever see it. The My Lai massacre of April 16, 1968 turned many patriotic Americans into Ho Chi Minh admirers who burned the American flag and spat on GIs. They couldn’t conquer their own emotions.
To give another example, authentic cases of police brutality, abuse, and framing do not mean policing is evil. It means police are human.
And, for you liberal Catholics out there, should we condemn the Church because of rampant pederasty and cover-up in the priesthood? Come to think of it, there’s nothing more apt than Christianity itself. Its history overflows with rotten Christians, but the Church is still the Body of Christ.
If these analogies are not enough, let’s look at history. By the time the US entered World War II in Europe, Josef Stalin had murdered millions on suspicions of disloyalty, sent even more the gulags, and invaded or annexed all or parts of Romania, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and Finland. Nonetheless, the United States treated the Soviet Union as equal allies in the war against Nazi Germany. Roosevelt and Churchill divided up post-war Europe with Stalin at Yalta, and the photo of the scene looks like three old frat brothers at a class reunion.
Were the Allies in World War II the bad guys because one of them was a bad guy? Or did the US and UK accept a bad guy on their team in order to defeat a more pressing evil?
Politics and war are not clean. There are no perfect white hats and perfect black hats. There are people who organize for causes, bringing along with them all their virtues and vices.
In World War II, we joined with the evil of Stalin to defeat the evil of Hitler, reserving the right to turn bitterly against our old ally once the present danger of Nazism was put down. And we did.
If Russia’s war in Ukraine is a manifestation of the larger battle between the New World Order and national sovereignty, then, like or not, Russia is on the good side, not the bad. The New World Order is a larger and more immediate threat to the world—to individual liberty, to national sovereignty, and to the liberty and exaltation of Christ’s Church—than Putin’s Russia. Putin wants Ukraine and a buffer; Schwab wants the world and everyone in it.
When you watch the endless propaganda on Fox News, CNN, the New York Times, and Republican Senators, you tend to believe Russia is all bad and everyone opposing Russia is all good. Moreover, you become like Facebook and extend Putin’s guilt to all Russians everywhere. You allow yourself to wish for or promote the assassination of Russian people, as Mark Zuckerberg now permits on his social media platform. You become like Eric Swalwell calling for the internment of all Russian NHL hockey players. In short, by allowing the NWO propagandists to manipulate your emotions and subordinating your will and reason to those emotions, you become evil yourself. That’s sure to please the devil.
Here’s just two paragraphs from describing Stalin’s behavior before World War II:
Starting in the late 1920s, Joseph Stalin launched a series of five-year plans intended to transform the Soviet Union from a peasant society into an industrial superpower. His development plan was centered on government control of the economy and included the forced collectivization of Soviet agriculture, in which the government took control of farms. Millions of farmers refused to cooperate with Stalin’s orders and were shot or exiled as punishment. The forced collectivization also led to widespread famine across the Soviet Union that killed millions.
Stalin ruled by terror and with a totalitarian grip in order to eliminate anyone who might oppose him. He expanded the powers of the secret police, encouraged citizens to spy on one another and had millions of people killed or sent to the Gulag system of forced labor camps. During the second half of the 1930s, Stalin instituted the Great Purge, a series of campaigns designed to rid the Communist Party, the military and other parts of Soviet society from those he considered a threat.
That was our ally.
It’s worth noting, by the way, the United States did not declare war on Germany after Pearl Harbor. We declared war on Japan only, because only Japan had attacked the United States. The US declaration of war against Germany came only after Germany declared war on the US. The US avoided an alliance with the Soviet Union until it had no choice. It stayed out of the European war until a European combatant dragged it in.
Chances are my readers have already thought of all this. But most Americans have not. Most Americans fall prey to the modernist philosophy that the only truth is found in one’s feelings—what you feel is all there is. Seeing images of little boys with teddy bears walking aloe across the border from their home in Ukraine to their neighbor in Poland rightly elicits certain emotions of sadness, compassion, anger, and even hatred for the people who forced that little boy on his desperate journey. You did not choose those emotions—they were chosen for you.
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