The Week: November 15, 2015
Viva la France #
This week, let’s say a special prayer for the people of France. And the whole world.
Mayor Slay About to Change Tune on Refugees #
On September 11, St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay announced plans to accept 10,000 non-Christian Syrian refugees to St. Louis. After the coordinated attacks by ISIS terrorists in Paris on Friday, expect the mayor come under intense pressure to change plans. News that at least one of the Paris attackers entered France from Serbia as a Syrian war refugee will only intensify the pressure on Slay.
Outlaw No-Carry Zones #
It’s impossible to know how many lives might have been saved at Bataclan concert hall if France allowed concealed carry into the venue. Instead, France has the kind of strict gun prohibition Democrats want in the United States.
We know that criminals target events where guns are prohibited because the absence of armed citizens give armed robbers (and terrorists) the upper hand.
Gun-free zones are kill boxes in the age of terrorism. It’s time for Missouri’s legislature to outlaw gun-free zones in the state. When the terrorists attempt a Bataclan-style massacre in Missouri, let the people take the bastards out.
Mizzou Crumbling and Taking the First Amendment With It #
Narcissistic brats at Mizzou attracted worldwide attention last week. What began as a protest to protect African-American students from racist comments by the general public in and around Columbia, Missouri, has become an all-out attack on the First Amendment. Students seized public, state land on the school’s campus, declaring the land a “safe space” where free speech would not be tolerated.
A group of students, coordinated by radical faculty members like Melissa Click, resorted to assault and battery to drive away student reporters who sought only to cover the story.
The University has done little to restore order. While the squatters have since accepted journalists onto the public lands, they still prohibit any speech they disagree with.
Expect Missouri legislators to introduce bills that require state universities and other taxpayer-funded organizations to protect civil rights without exception, particularly First Amendment rights to free speech, free assembly, and freedom of the press.
Planned Parenthood’s Role in Mizzou Unrest #
The timing of the racial unrest at Mizzou suspiciously followed a decision by former chancellor of Mizzou, Tim Wolfe, to end the school’s relationship with Planned Parenthood. While Wolfe caved under pressure from the country’s largest abortion company, the issue of abortion remains intertwined with the racial unrest. Investigative journalist Christina Marie Bennett points to two statements.
First, Mizzou hunger-striker Jonathan Butler announcing his hunger strike on November 2 stated that among wrongs done to African-American students was “Planned Parenthood services being stripped from campus."
Next, after Wolfe’s resignation, Planned Parenthood CEO Laura McQuade wrote:
In Jonathan’s own words: “This is only the first step, more change is to come.” The clock is ticking for Mid-Missouri women to have continued access to the full range of reproductive health care services, including abortion. Before assuming a new role, we urge Chancellor Loftin to immediately reinstate the appropriate clinical privileges to ensure there is no disruption in health care access for the residents of this community.
There are many reasons to suspect the race protestors are working on behalf of the abortion industry, about which I’ll write later in the week. (I pulled a previous blog on the subject.)
Missouri’s legislature should investigate Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the unrest and cut funding to the University of Missouri until the school ends all associations with Planned Parenthood.
Navy Bound #
My son Patrick leaves for boot camp on Wednesday. As any parent of a service member knows, this will be an emotional time for our family. Patrick is one of my best friends, and I’m going to miss him terribly. Of course, I could not be prouder of having him join his brother Jack in the United States Navy, where I served following my father, a veteran of WWII and Korea.