The US Executed Plan to Destabilize Russia Because Putin Rejected the New World Order
It is impossible to be too cynical
Some people don’t like it when I measure Putin’s atrocities (which pre-date the invasion of Ukraine by decades) against the evil represented by the World Economic Forum—the New World Order. They don’t like it when I compare the approximately 1,500 Ukrainian civilian deaths to the untold millions of deaths caused by Covid lockdowns and vaccines.
They don’t disagree; they just don’t like being forced to think about the West’s culpability. People hate dealing with their own guilt.
Well, those people are going to hate this: Rand Corporation—a government-funded Deep State think tank—wrote the US plans for provoking Russia to invade Ukraine in 2019.
Just as the FBI provokes unstable people into committing crimes (or thinking about committing crimes) in order to arrest them, the US Department of Defense provokes dictators into starting wars to give us an excuse to take them out.
Yes, the United States government is pretty evil itself.
The timing of the Rand report, documented here, is interesting.
Putin has a history of badmouthing the New World Order. About a year ago, he declared, “the New World Order has failed.” Before that, he refused to get on the multiculturalism train by rejecting calls to accommodate Muslims in Russia. Read this (poorly translated) quote from Putin, but replace “Russia” and “Russians” with “America” and “Americans.”
In Russia, lives Russians. Any minority from anywhere, if it wants to live in Russia, to work and eat in Russia, should speak Russian, and should respect the Russian law. If they want Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that's the state law. Russia does not need minorities, minorities needs Russia, and we will not grant them special privilege, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell "Discrimination".
The chief executive of every country should say the same thing. In fact, I wrote a post in 2015 that sounded a lot like Putin’s quote above. I hope you’ll read it:
Globalists hate people who say what Putin said. And the globalists who run America decided to something about it. From Rick Sterling at
The Rand report lists many techniques and "measures" to provoke and threaten Russia. Some of the steps include:
Repositioning bombers within easy striking range of key Russian strategic targets
Deploying additional tactical nuclear weapons to locations in Europe and Asia
Increasing US and allied naval force posture and presence in Russia’s operating areas (Black Sea)
Holding NATO war exercises on Russia’s borders
Withdrawing from the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty
These and many other provocations suggested by Rand have, in fact, been implemented. For example, NATO conducted massive war exercises dubbed "Defender 2021" right up Russia’s border. NATO has started "patrolling" the Black Sea and engaging in provocative intrusions into Crimean waters. The US has withdrawn from the INF Treaty.
Don’t forget the CIA orchestrated a bloody coup in Ukraine to oust a pro-Russians president and replace him with a US stooge. If you read Hennessy’s View, you already knew that.
Russia invaded Ukraine, because the United States wanted him to. Innocent Ukrainians are dying because US policy makers want it that way. The United States is willing to see Ukraine reduced to rubble in order to replace Putin with a globalist, New World Order dictator.
That’s not excuse Russian atrocities—it’s to acknowledge that US outrage over those atrocities is a lie. The Rand Corporation and the politicians it operates couldn’t care less about innocent civilian lives and deaths. They care only about power.
Putin a bad guy, but we are not the good guys here. We are Iago—cowardly schemers who destroy lives for our own benefit.
This is why America won’t let Ukraine settle. This is why the fighting goes on. This is why Biden calls for regime change in Russia. Ukraine is just a pawn in the globalists’ quest for power—a quest that requires elimination of the lone anti-globalist with lots of nuclear weapons and natural resources. Again, from’s report on the Rand Corporations war plan for Ukraine:
The Rand report says, "Increasing US military aid would certainly drive up the Russian costs, but doing so could also increase the loss of Ukrainian lives and territory or result in a disadvantageous peace settlement."
But who would a peace settlement be "disadvantageous" for? Ukrainian lives and territory are currently being lost. Over fourteen thousand Ukrainian lives have been lost in the eastern Donbass region since the 2014 coup.
A peace settlement that guaranteed basic rights for all Ukrainians and state neutrality in the rivalry of big powers, would be advantageous to most Ukrainians. It is only the US foreign policy establishment including the US military media industrial complex and Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who would be "disadvantaged".
The United States will sabotage any peace agreement that leaves anti-globalists in charge of Russia. The purpose of this war is regime change, and Joe Biden accidentally told the world on Sunday.
To the globalists, Putin isn’t a bad guy because he’s leveling towns in Ukraine; he’s bad because he’s pro-Russian and anti-New World Order.
We have an enemy, friends, and it is not Vladimir Putin. Our immediate enemy is the United States foreign policy apparatus—the Departments of Defense and State.