The Left's Foreign Policy
The left’s foreign policy is both domestic and global.
John Hawkins, in Right Wing News’s Q&A, responds to a question posed by RtWingNutCase, to wit: should the US pull out of Iraq prematurely, would the left turn its activism toward influencing a withdrawal from Afghanistan?
Hawkins correctly says, “Yes,” but he stops short of speculating on motives. I won’t.
The left’s motive in withdrawing from the world is to weaken America and the West. The left hates Western Civilization the way Hitler hated Jews, the way the Cromwell hated Irish Catholics. They give not a hoot for American soldiers' lives nor for the tax dollars spent on the war. They care nothing for Iraqis whom they claim suffer more harshly today than under Saddam. They really don’t care which party controls the White House or Congress, save for one compelling distinction: the Democrats have shown an obsequious willingness to acquiesce to leftist demands to weaken American while the GOP resists such suicidal tendancies.
In a sense, no voting bloc typifies the “lesser of two evils” approach to voting more completely than American leftists. They prefer a Soviet style choice of non-competing candidate from the same state-owned party. Knowing that a string of military failures would accelerate the fall of the United States and the decline of Western civilization, democracy, and capitalism, the left would neuter America’s ability to both project strength abroad and to defend itself against outside invaders. The left, after all, supports the right of Mexican criminals to parasitically suck the wealthy teat of American capitalism. Our surplus is not ours, they believe, but the world’s. From each according to his ability, to each according to his sloth-like expectations.
Leftism, then, is a proclamation that laziness and sloth are not rights but duties. Hard work and surplus are not virtues but crimes. Global warming, universal health care, and military incapacitation are all means to the end of making the work ethic a social sin.
I can conclude only that Buckley’s foreword to God and Man at Yale was something of a universal truth: the battle between individualism and collectivism is the same as the battle between good and evil, between God and Satan, only fought on a different plane.
Given that stark contrast, do you see how much rides on every little battle with the other side?
Similar Posts: Beth at MVRWC points out that the left’s tactics also derive from the KGB.