Study: Kelloggs Products Deadlier Than Cigarettes?
Kellogg’s sells mostly simple carbohydrates in the form of breakfast cereal and snacks. Their ad agencies make you think their foods are wholesome and safe. They’re not. They’re mostly simple carbohydrates (grains and sugar) that produce a glycemic shock when eaten. And foods that produce glycemic shock seem to be deadlier than cigarettes. At least that’s the suggestion from a recent study at the University of Texas.
The study of 2,000 lung cancer patients and 2,500 people without lung cancer should raise concern. Tony the Tiger might pose a greater threat to your kids than Joe Camel ever did. Via WSAZ Channel 3:
Researchers looked at 2,000 patients with lung cancer and 2,500 without.
They say non-smokers whose diets had a high glycemic index were more than two times more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer than non-smokers with a low one.
Dr. Oz says, “A high glycemic index means that the sugar in whatever food you’re eating rushes into your bloodstream because it’s not cobbled together with fiber that would naturally hold it together in your gut.”
Here’s more from CNN>
And from the American Diabetes Association, here are examples of foods with a high glycemic index:
High GI (70 or more)
White bread or bagel
Corn flakes, puffed rice, bran flakes, instant oatmeal
Short grain white rice, rice pasta, macaroni and cheese from mix
Russet potato, pumpkin
Pretzels, rice cakes, popcorn, saltine crackers melons and pineapple
And here’s a longer list of glycemic indexes for products, including many Kellogg’s products from Harvard.
Granted, Kellogg’s isn’t the only company that packages glycemic poison as wholesome health food. I’m singling out Kellogg’s’s because Kellogg’s has singled out people like me for a hate and acrimony campaign of epic proportions.
And Breitbart chronicles a whole list of Kellogg’s and Kellogg’s Foundation crimes against America.
And Kellogg’s says terrible things about a lot of Americans who probably eat their poison.
Breitbart provides a convenient list of Kellogg’s’s potentially deadly products. Before you reach for any of these, you might consider the healthier alternative of a cigarette.
UPDATE: Here’s great wisdom from Ace of Spades.
Some of Kellogg’s brands:
Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes®
Kellogg’s® Nutri-Grain®
Rice Krispies®
Frosted Mini-Wheats®
Cocoa Krispies
Morningstar Farms
Famous Amos
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes®
Kellogg’s Honey Smacks® cereal
Corn Pops®
Mother’s Cookies
Keebler Company
Smart Start®
Froot Loops™
Kellogg’s Raisin Bran®
Low Fat Granola
Fruit Flavored Snacks
Apple Jacks®
Cracklin’ Oat Bran®
Smart Start®
Kellogg’s Raisin Bran®
Apple Jacks®
A lot of these things are toasted. Like Lucky Strikes.
If you want to know why Americans are so fat, it might be because governments and doctors have been lying to you about what to eat, especially when it comes to carbohydrates and cholesterol. Possibly because companies like Kellogg’s pay them to lie to you? It’s called lobbying, and Kellogg’s’s done a ton of it since 2012 according to How many studies have they suppressed?
Kellogg’s stock is down, and it’ll probably go lower. Especially when people start to realize Kellogg’s products could be killing their kids. Awful.