St Louis: More People Shot Than Diagnosed with Coronavirus Saturday
On Saturday, May 9, in St. Louis, more people were shot than diagnosed with Coronavirus. Two died from gunshot wounds. The other eight are alive in unknown or unreported condition.
Via the Washington Times:
Authorities say at least 10 people were shot, two of them fatally, in a single day in St. Louis.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the the gunfire began around 1:15 p.m. Saturday when a 28-year-old man was fatally shot. Police say there were two other separate, nonfatal shooting before the second victim was fatally shot around 8:10 p.m. At almost the exact same time, four others were wounded in another shooting.
Police say the other two victims were wounded around 8:15 p.m. and around 11:30 p.m.
When will St. Louisans be required to wear body armor and sidearms? Maybe we should be required to stay outside the shooting range of our neighbors.
Clearly, the only real effect of the Coronavirus lockdown in St. Louis has been to destroy small businesses and put a lot of people out of work. People who are now angry, antisocial, and masked.
Expect a long, hot summer.