Something New
Hey, I realize that my readership has dropped from about 1,000 a day to a handful a day since I left the world of politics to concentrate on God. I don’t care. Well, I do. It’s symptomatic of the reason I turned toward God: this world loves sin, lies, and death. It hates goodness, truth, and life.
In my return to the Holy Mother church, I am so fortunate that my parish has a Perpetual Adoration chapel. This is new. We didn’t have such a thing when I was growing up.
Perpetual Adoration is a beautiful thing. At least one person prays, sits, kneels before the exposed Blessed Sacrament continuously. I have 6:00-7:00 Tuesday mornings. Sitting before Jesus' flesh for one hour humbles more deeply than anything I’ve ever experienced.
I don’t miss readership, but I wish one didn’t have to choose between popularity and faith. I pray that people will prove me wrong.