Hey, I have a small favor to ask. Mind asking two or three friends to subscribe (free is okay) to Hennessy’s View? The reason is this: Hennessy’s View is the only site I know of that traces all (and I mean all) problems in the world to a single source. What is that source?
This site saw astronomical growth when I was pushing the new Substack through various social media. But I’ve banned myself from social media until April. That self-ban means there’s only way to get spread the news: you.
And the news comes down to this: all the trouble in the world stems from a single source. Patch that hole, and everything works.
What’s the source of these problems—violent crime, the collapse of freedom, the suppression of the First Amendment in all its wonderful aspects (free practice of religion, freedom of speech and of the press, freedom of assembly, the right to petition government for a redress of grievances), the lies about Covid treatments (IVM and HCQ work!), the lies about vaccine effectiveness and safety (80% of serious cases in Israel are triple-vaxxed), and the destruction of the family?
These problems and more have a single root cause, and few people ever mention it.
The cause comes down to one simple source: We want to be like God. We believe we can make His creation better than He did. We believe we know better. We believe our ways are better.
In short, we read Scripture, but we listen to the devil. We want our eyes to be opened. We want to know good from evil. We want to be like God.
Mīḵāʾēl: Who is like God?
Sadly, knowing the root cause is only the start of the fix. It’s a critical, indispensable step, but it’s only the first. Mans’ fallen nature, plus millennia of habituation, have ingrained in humanity a preference for doing things our way. Our society trains us from infancy to think for ourselves, to live our passions, to find our truth, to be true to ourselves. In short, to double-guess the Creator.
Hennessy’s View is my attempt to share with the world my own weak, two-steps-forward-one-step-back stumble through the journey back to that Garden. I know I can’t advance on my own—Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and salvation is through Him alone. But I know I have the choice to pick up my cross and follow Him every day—or go my own way. As I wrote recently, usually I go my own way.
I’m hoping that if enough people join this journey, we can call make it to the finish line together. We know that’s what God wants. I just need a lot of help staying in the race.
So, please share with your friends. Just two or three, because that’s all that necessary to have Jesus in our midst.
God bless.