Shameless James Comey Is a Liar and Darrell Issa Is a Hero
No honest company would hire FBI Director James Comey. He might be loyal, but he’ll commit crimes of loyalty.
Comey would have fit right in at Enron. Or in Ceauşescu’s Romania.
Today we learned that Comey flat out lied about Cheryl Mills’s immunity agreement. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) exposed Comey’s lies just minutes after Comey lied to Congress under oath about the extent of immunity granted to Mills, who was both a State Department employee and one of Hillary’s huge stable of personal attorneys. (Comey previously lied to the Senate, but our lazy Republican Senators never bothered to read the immunity deals.)
I happened to be in my car when Fox News cut in to carry the dramatic exchange. I couldn’t wait to get home and write this.
Issa violated rules to reveals details of Mills’s immunity deal–details that Comey previously denied under oath. Issa broke the rules because Comey relied on those rules to cover his own lies. Comey had no idea Issa would have none of Comey’s repeated perjuries.
Here’s the dramatic exchange, straight out of an Otto Preminger movie:
Face it: James Comey is a liar and crook. Fifty years ago, he’d be headed to prison for a decade. His own children would scorn and disown him.
Over the top?
After Comey lied to Rep. Issa in the clip above, Issa received even more information about the immunity deal from the Department of Justice. It turns out, Mills received immunity from every possible crime related to the case. Via Dan Abrams’s Law Newz blog, Issa returned to the hearing and laid Comey’s crimes bare:
Congressman Issa then took the microphone and explained that Mills “negotiated a very, very good deal….” He further explained, “She did not just receive immunity related to the production of the drive, the computer and [its] contents, but, in fact, received immunity under 18 U.S.C. § 793(e) and (f), 18 U.S.C. § 1924 and … 18 U.S.C. § 2071.”
18 U.S.C. § 793(e) covers the illegal retention and transmission of materials “relating to the national defense, or information relating to the national defense which information the possessor has reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation.”
18 U.S.C. § 793(f), of course, is the now infamous gross negligence statute that the Department of Justice considers to be unconstitutional, according to Director Comey.
18 U.S.C. § 1924 is the misdemeanor statute involving the unauthorized removal and retention of classified material.
Finally, 18 U.S.C. § 2071 covers the concealment, removal or mutilation of certain government documents.
Congressman Issa said he wanted to pay particular attention to the immunity under § 2071 because of evidence uncovered in recent weeks. Specifically, Issa referred to Reddit posts that Director Comey acknowledged at the hearing on Tuesday were by written Paul Combetta. The now deleted posts said a client asked to have the email address belonging to someone who was “VERY VIP” stripped from a batch of archived emails. Director Comey also acknowledged that Combetta likely received the directions to strip the email address from Cheryl Mills.
In short, Comey has testifed under oath that Mills’s immunity was limited to information discovered on her MacBook. In fact, Mills cannot be prosecuted for any crime related to the case, including:
** Illegally holding and transmitting classified materials ** Gross negligence ** Illegally removing and storing classified material
In other words, Mills cannot be prosecuted for the crimes she most certainly committed. And James Comey is covering that crook. Which makes** Comey a crook, too.**
Let’s hope President Trump’s DOJ rescinds Mills’s immunity and tries Mills, Comey, Clinton, and those smirking Bleach Bit ass hats who deleted documents under subpoena. They’re all crooks and liar like Hillary Rotten Clinton.
By the way, when someone who’s granted immunity lies to investigators, the government rescinds the immunity. Immunity is always predicated on telling the truth. It’s why they give immunity in the first place: to get the truth.
Well, we know beyond a reasonable doubt that Cheryl Mills lied to the FBI investigators after signing her immunity deal. She lied about numerous things to protect Crooked Hillary. But the government has refused to rescind her crooked immunity deal because the entire US government is criminal enterprise.
I have** no respect for the FBI** anymore. None. As far as I’m concerned, they’re all crooks. Every last agent and filing clerk.
It’ll take 10 years to straighten out that crooked operation. And that’s if Trump gets started on January 20. If Hillary wins, **the FBI will never be more than the US version of the Soviet committee for state security. **