Roberts sides with majority in a 6-3 win for life. (Opinion below.)
I’ve written before about the night my dad came home and cried after watching a film about abortion at the parish men’s club meeting. It was shortly after Roe v. Wade was handed down.
Abortion, then, has been a mark of sin and error on the face of our nation most of my life. And, while abortions continue in states dominated by the diabolic, our country no longer falsely claims its Constitution holds the killing of children as a fundamental right.
This acknowledgment by the Supreme Court—so obvious to anyone who can read and think—is sure to open the spigot of graces from heaven above. But, like the first-century Christians, we are bound to suffer. Revenge is a demonic principle.
The Supreme Court just took away the most powerful act of submission to Satan human beings have ever devised. For a certain element in society, abortion is a human sacrifice to their false god, the first to say “no” to God’s plan. Though demons can feel true joy, the killing of an innocent brings them a perverted relief from their eternal suffering. Misery loves company, you know.
So, on this Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, thank God you were alive to suffer what must be suffered for our national rejection of the culture of death. And let our lives serve as testimony to soften the hearts of those who remain in the grips of demonic influence.
Praise Jesus. Roe v. Wade is dead.
Long live the King!
Here’s the reaction to the ruling outside the Supreme Court.