Rasmussen Reports™: Obama's Numbers Take a Nose Dive **UPATE** McCain Now Tied or Leading Nationally
Obama’s support plummeted overnight, despite the MSM’s “see no evil” act regarding Tony Rezko and Jeremiah Wright.
It’s Obama 46% Clinton 45%** **(see recent daily results). This reflects an unusually sharp change from yesterday’s results when Obama led by eight points and reached the 50% level of support for the first time.
That’s really bad news for Obama. If either of these stories ever reaches the front pages of a newspaper, he might need to work on his withdrawal speech.
UPDATE Wander over to RealClearPolitics to see the latest head-to-head numbers. McCain now leads Obama and is tied with Hillary. Apparently, the Democrat racism-sexism bloodbath isn’t playing in Peoria.
Technorati Tags: barack obama,tony rezko,jeremiah wright,rasmussen poll