The President's Authority to Open Churches Is the Constitution - VIDEO RANT
The morons in the White House press corps spend most of today’s briefing screaming at press secretary Kayleigh McEnany about President Trump’s order to re-open all churches.
The oft-repeated (shouted) question: “What federal law is the president relying on to require states to allow church services?”
The question demonstrates the absolute ignorance and laziness, the besst-like stupidity, of most journalists.
The president’s authority is the United States Constitution, you mouth-breathing swine! Read the damned thing once in your life.
Specifically, the First Amendment prohibits government from taking any action that restricts the “free exercise” of religion.
Got that, @jonkarl, you arrogant louse.
In fact, freedom of religion is how the First Amendment open!
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
Got that, asshole?
Neither the President, nor Congress, nor the federal judiciary, nor any state, county, or municipality has been given permission to restrict the free exercise of religion.
As a reminder, the powers of government are limited to those EXPLICITLY DELEGATED BY THE PEOPLE. Governments are no natural creatures. They are created by men to perform functions we’d rather not do ourselves.
When a governor abuses his authority by restricting the free exercise of religion, the federal government has a duty to enforce the civil rights of that state’s citizens.
Frankly, those governors should be charged, tried, convicted, and hanged for violating the first and most fundamental right of the people: the free exercise of religion.