Paul Krugman Caught in Another Lie
It must be nice to be a liberal writer. You sit in your NY apartment, make up fictitious stories to embarrass and humiliate your fellow man; you libelously attribute your nasty quotes to someone else; you publish; you’re caught; life goes on.
Paul Krugman decided to maliciously call Alabama a state full of illiterates who needed pictures to understand a story. Thus, claims Krugman, Toyota had to build a new car plant in Canada–Alabama lacked a literate workforce.
The name to which Krugman attached his invented “facts” is a real, living person who took great exception at Krugman’s malice. Likewise, the people of Alabama are justifiably upset with New York Times and Krugman.
According to Donald Luskin:
Krugman cites no source for Fedchen’s bogus remarks. But it’s virtually certain that his source was a June 30 story on the website of the government-sponsored Canadian Broadcasting Company, which used near-identical language to frame Fedchen’s claim that manufacturers “had to use ‘pictorials’ to teach some illiterate workers how to use high-tech equipment.” Perhaps, by Krugman’s having inserted the penultimate word “plant” in the Times version, charges of plagiarism can be avoided.
How did Krugman find the CBC story in the first place? Do you really need to ask? Most likely he found it the same way he gets so many of his story ideas — by trawling the leftist hate-blogs. In this case, the CBC story was linked on July 8 on the Daily Kos, perhaps the foulest (and consequently most popular) of the ultraliberal blogs.
Liberals like Krugman tend to lie quite a bit. They learned from their masters – Lenin and Stalin – that lying to promote the cause is both good and necessary. They steal money from poor kids and lie about it, because keeping a propagandist radio station afloat is for the good of the revolution.. Honest liberals lie to protect the dishonest ones believing that any scandal will bring down their entire house of cards.
Liberals tend to lie because they’re bored with their lives: having gained permission to do just exactly whatever they feel like doing, the challenge of life is gone. When your future consists of nothing but avoiding danger, being offended, and waiting to go to hell, lying becomes a sport, a pastime, a way to make the day go by.
Paul Krugman wanted to slap America, especially Southerners. Because no facts supported is prejudice, he made up lies, libeled an innocent man, plagiarized a CBC website. He lied in just about every way he could.
And the NYT will likely give him a raise.
That’s why it must be nice to be a liberal writer: you are not judged on talent, skill, precision, quality, accuracy, honesty, character, or criminality but only on your willingness to follow the party line.
The cold war isn’t over–it’s just being fought a lot closer to home.