Open Letter to FBI Employees
Why we choose to peaceably assembly and petition the government for a redress of grievances
The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. When a land transgresses, it has many rulers, but with a man of understanding and knowledge, its stability will long continue.
(Proverbs 28:1-2)
Later today, St. Louis area citizens will take to the streets near the FBI office at 2222 Market St. in St. Louis. Those gathered will represent the citizens that the FBI exists to protect and to serve.
Irrefutable evidence suggests that the FBI, under a series of directors beginning with J. Edgar Hoover, masquerades as protectors of citizens’ life, liberty, and property but operates as a roque secret police agency, using its ill-gotten powers to thwart oversight, to harass or imprison critics, to frame the innocent, to blackmail reformers, to incite violence by one faction against another, and to control the succession of elected officials. As such, we believe the FBI is, by its nature and practices, an enemy of the people and of the principles on which this country was founded.
While we detest and rebuke the conduct of FBI personnel, we wish you no harm. To the contrary, we pray for your conversion, both in time and in eternity. We pray that our protests and rallies remind you agents of why you joined the bureau in the first place. We know that few joined just to amass power and beat down fellow citizens. At some point in your life, you wanted to serve and protect your neighbors. Us. Perhaps meeting your neighbors will remind you of your once-noble ambition and open your eyes to the corruption you now serve and the wickedness your agency promotes.
But our message goes beyond that hope for your conversion and reform. We are giving up a portion of our lives and risking our freedom to let you know this: you will never scare us all into submission. You will never find peace—in this life or the next—so long as you practice the dark art of oppression. As the Book of Proverbs says about today’s FBI, “A prince void of prudence shall oppress many by calumny: but he that hateth covetousness, shall prolong his days” (Proverbs 28:16).
When we say you practice the art of oppression, let us be clear:
You hid the crimes of a Democratic candidate for president.
You perjured yourselves before a FISA court judge.
You illegally surveilled the campaign of a Republican candidate for president.
You pursued the illegal prosecution of the President of the United States, knowing without a doubt the accusations against him were false.
You refused to enforce laws meant to protect the judicial process from influence by harassment, intimidation, and threats.
You refused to enforce laws regarding national security when broken by members of the Democratic Party, but stretched your authority using visible offers of violence and bodily against members of the Republican Party.
You claimed for yourselves heroic action in a hostage situation when, in fact, your agents did nothing until a Rabbi rescued his own congregation.
You engineered and executed a plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan in order to entrap citizens.
You conspired to conduct similar felonies in other states.
Your predecessor fabricated a letter and used blackmail to induce Dr. Martin Luther King to commit suicide.
You incited opposing factions to resort to violence at numerous protests and rallies.
You arrested, jailed, and tortured citizens for exercising their rights under the First Amendment.
You have manipulated and destroyed exculpatory evidence in order to convict the innocent.
You work for an agency that was illegitimately conceived by an Attorney General in defiance of Congress. Your agency has no bright, shining founding story. Rather, it was born in the shadows, reared in secrecy, and bloomed into a poisoned tree from which no good fruit may come. Your colleagues and leaders have perverted the idea of “service” to serving and protecting the state, not the people.
We ask those of you who still remember the noble purposes you once held to consider leaving the bureau, exposing its errors, and working to repair the damage done to both the American public and the government we established. Meanwhile, we will use our right to petition government for a redress of grievances to demand Congress defund and abolish the FBI, because, as Victor Davis Hanson has said, the FBI is now beyond redemption.
Finally, know that this is our prayer for ourselves and families on this day:
O Lord, Almighty God, King of heaven and earth, Saviour of the world, bless, lead, rule and govern our hearts and bodies, our senses, words and deeds today, following thy law and commandments, that here and for eternity with thy help we shall be saved in freedom.
Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
Be safe.