When I was young, fear of missing out dominated my anxieties. I was afraid that by choosing one path I’d deny myself something even better.
The fear of missing out, though, diminishes with age and faith. Age teaches us that all those roads we didn’t take end up in the same place as the paths we followed. Faith informs us that there is exactly one road with two terminals: eternal paradise at one end and eternal hell at the other.
Most of us stagger around somewhere in the middle of this road, wandering toward perdition one day, paradise the next. We fool ourselves into believing that with each change in direction we are blazing a new trail. Viewed from above, though, we just look lost and confused.
The lucky ones find a guide.
My guide arrived on February 8, 2003. On October 3 of that year, she became my wife. Keeping me on the narrow path, you see, is a full-time job. And in His providence, God sent me the best guide on the trail.
Lawyers and political consultants I know stress the importance of “good” and “bad” clients. Good clients do not damage their own cases; bad clients do. Angela has a bad client.
Despite my many failings, Angela has stuck with me. She had opportunities to cut her losses and bolt, but that’s inconceivable to her. She takes her oath as a trail guide very seriously.
Every day of my journey means looking to the most beautiful blue eyes I can imagine, holding the softest hands in the world, and knowing, no matter how I screw up or how the world breaks down around me, she will be take me in her arms and remind me I am on the right path with the perfect guide.
I know she’s going to hate this picture, but, to me, it’s too beautiful not to share. I took this yesterday at lunch after High Mass. It reminds that I am far richer and more blessed than I deserve, that God and my guardian angel are too patient, and that, without any merit of my own, I’ve landed the most perfect wife, protector, lover, and guide a man could ask for.
Nineteen years ago, I was wandering in the middle of the road afraid of missing out when she took my hand and pulled me toward my destiny. Deo gratias!
To Angela: all my love forever, Wil.
I have always admired a man that publicly expresses his love for his wife. Angela is blessed to have you. Happy anniversary!