Stocks plunged more than 650 points today on the words of Moderna’s CEO. Moderna makes one of two mRNA COVID vaccines approved for emergency use in the United States.
Moderna’s chief vaccine salesman told the Financial Times of London that the Omicron variant is like impervious to his company’s COVID vaccine. Stephane Bancel also predicted it would take months to invent a new vaccine against Omnicron.
The reason for Bencal’s forecast is good news for the world.
Omicron Has Many Mutations
Omicron has at least 10 significant mutations on its spike proteins. These mutations appear to make the virus more transmissible but far less virulent. People just don’t get as sick, but their bodies still produce natural antibodies, natural immunity.
As we explained yesterday, virulent viruses that severely weaken or kill the host don’t travel well.
That’s why the flu generally infects fewer people than the common cold. You go to work, shopping, bars, restaurants, and your aunt’s birthday party with a cold. You stay in bed with the flu.
That’s also why vaccines that artificially render virulent viruses less severe allow more virulent strains to dominate. They make outbreaks worse and longer, not better and shorter.
Look at it like this. Suppose you went to the doctor because you don’t feel well. The doctor asks you to rate your overall unwellness on a scale of one to 10 where one is perfectly normal, and 10 means you can’t care for yourself. Somewhere around 5 is where you stay from work, right?
A virus that produces symptoms above 5 on this scale won’t infect too many people because those who contract it will isolate themselves. They won’t isolate out of some altruistic desire to save others; they self-isolate because they simply don’t feel well enough to go out.
But the viruses below that magic number of 5 will spread far and wide. They will become dominant. And the immunity they produce will make the more virulent strains extremely rare. The dangerous strains will have a hard time finding an acceptable host.
It’s Time to Watch and Wait
According to the initial reports, a mild Omicron infection will leave people feeling well enough to suffer through it and continue their normal routines. This will allow the virus to jump to many other people who will also suffer mild symptoms.
This is exactly how every virus behaves. It’s a form of natural selection.
The more people acquire natural immunity from a mild variant, the fewer potential hosts for the severe variants.
In other words, virus mutation works exactly the way classic vaccines work. They produce a mild immune response to a mild stimulant. (Unlike the mRNA vaccines which reprogram DNA to do things neither God nor nature intended.)
We don’t know, yet, whether Omicron is, indeed, a mild variant, but we have reason to believe it will be. Natural selection demands it. Unless, of course, Omicron’s mutations were driven by the vaccines, in which case it could represent the end of the human species.
All of this gives us one mission: live. Pray and live. Do God’s will and always seek to better understand God’s will by avoiding sin, praying, and contemplating.
We’ve often pointed out that man’s efforts are futile unless they are perfectly conformed to God’s holy will and that whatever happens comes from Him.
Thank God that you live now when the choice is so clear: Him or darkness. Choose to live because mere existence is from the devil.