No one else will tell how big this news is
Mr. Smiley’s Counter Girl: Whoa! You are so busted.
Carolyn Burnham: You know, this really doesn’t concern you.
Lester Burnham: Well, actually, Janine is Senior Drive-thru Manager so you are on her turf.
— American Beauty, 1999
As you watched Donald Trump destroy Hillary Clinton on NBC’s Commander in Chief forum, something big happened.
And you didn’t even know it.
A woman who lives her life advancing conservatism, fighting cronyism, and promoting the best of the Republican Party won the chairmanship of Missouri’s 2nd Congressional District Republican committee.
Renee Artman personifies the happy warrior of the right. She makes sure Republican Lincoln-Reagan Day events work just right. She organizes meetings so people can learn what’s really going on in government and in campaigns. She recruits great candidates for office.
And she does all this almost no public recognition.
It’s time to change all that.
Renee, who’s never shy about holding Republican office holders accountable to their core principles, is now the most powerful woman in the 2nd Congressional District in Missouri.
You might be thinking, “what about Ann Wagner?” Sure, Ms. Wagner’s in the US House leadership and she’s a friend to the cronyest cronies in America, but political parties run on the people who show up and work. Renee’s now in charge of those people in Ann’s district. It’s like that scene from American Beauty when Kevin Spacey tells Annette Benning, “Well, actually, Janine is Senior Drive-thru Manager so you are on her turf.”
The Republican establishment is now on Renee’s turf. Me, too, since I live in the 2nd District.
And all our property values just went up.
And, speaking of people who show up and work, I hear that Jen Bird’s efforts made a big difference in Renee’s landslide.
We owe both of these ladies a big thanks.
Congratulations, Renee. It’s a win for the people.