Moonbat Overconfidence
I orignally posted this as an update to the Mirecki Hoax blog below, but I think it deserves its own space:
MOONBAT BLOG UPDATE: Representative of the kind of knee-jerk jumping to prejudiced conclusions that liberals and the “educated” are famous for, someone named Elaine Meinel Supkis (who claims 100% personal responsibility for turning Pope Benedict XVI into a ‘conservative’) ignored all of the known facts of Paul Mirecki’s alleged and highly doubtable beating story:
A professor at the University of Kansas was attacked on a back road by thugs outraged at him talking about “Christians”, mocking them for their childish belief in a fantasy world where gods create things out of thin air and then kill everything out of spite. They don’t want anyone to mock them while they ran around acting like bezerk lunatics. Christian thugs have been ruining our holidays, ruining schools, ruining everything they latch onto, especially poor Jesus.
First, we do not know for sure that Prof. Mirecki was, in fact, attacked on a back road by anyone. Second, how does Elaine know that these thugs were “outraged at him [for] talking about ‘Christians’, mocking them for their childish belief in a fantasy world where gods create things out of thin air and then kill everything out of spite?” The only mention of possible motivation was given to Mirecki’s friends by Mirecki. It was not included in his report to the police. And what Mirecki reportedly told his friends was that his assailants mentioned the ID course. As I posited yesterday, they could have been liberals outraged that Mirecki cancelled the course.
Next, Elaine, who doesn’t believe in God but does believe she can read minds, tells us even more details about the alleged assailants' opinions and motives: “They don’t want anyone to mock them while they ran [sic] around acting like bezerk [sic] lunatics.”
I have a question for Ms. Meinel Supkis: If Professor Mirecki admits that whatever happened to him was not related to the ID class, will you apologize to the Christians you have maligned?
UPDATE: Doing a Technorati search on Paul Mirecki, I found this gem from Sean Gleeson.
In a case chillingly reminiscent of the fabricated atrocity suffered by Kansas bigot Paul Mirecki, the Autorantic Virtual Moonbat now claims it was assaulted this morning, by two “Bible-thumping Nazi cowboys.”