Mohammedans Burn France to the Ground, Pope Francis Appoints a Pervert to Guard the Deposit of Faith, and You Thought Your Family Was Dysfunctional
What a day in the news!
First, France. Let's begin with what's happening in the streets. (My apologies that Tweets are no longer embedded in posts, thanks to the pissing contest between Elon Musk and Substack. But it’s not that hard to click a link, now, is it?)
Next, French president Macron wasted no time in responding to the crisis. Here, we see Macron drinking champagne and dancing with the global elites while Paris burns.
Simultaneously, this:
Take a good look at these images, because such a crisis is coming to America. It seems God permitted the Mohammedans to multiply and migrate precisely to serve as the means of His chastisement of the derelict guardians of Christendom.
Which brings us to Issue Two: the pope appoints an unapologetic heretic and soft-porn author to guard the Deposit of Faith. Via Lifesite News:
Pope Francis has appointed the highly controversial Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernández of La Plata as new Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (now Dicastery), with the new prefect known for his roles as the Pope’s long-time friend and theologian, and ghost writer of numerous papal texts including Amoris Laetitia.
Fernández supports sex outside of marriage between any consenting adults among other heretical teachings. Fernández describes himself as far "more progressive" than Francis. Now with the power to define Faith, expect "approved" Catholic teaching to resemble the content of *Gender Queer*.
What does all this mean?
It probably means the great chastisement Our Lady warned about in numerous apparitions is well underway. If you didn't see it before, you weren't paying attention. But, it's impossible to not see it now.
What's worse, we are to blame. We allowed this. In France, in Rome, in America—we "good people" played it safe as the enemies of God (and that's who we're fighting) planted the cultural, legal, and technological land mines now detonating beneath our feet. We are in the middle of a minefield with no maps to show us their locations. Our water is running low, and the food is mostly poisoned.
What do we do?
First, accept that we will not get out of the mine field unscathed. We will lose limbs or loved ones.
Second, we follow Winston Churchill's sage advice: "when you find yourself going through hell, keep going." Don't stop and wallow in misery. Push on. When in the middle of hell, anyway you go is the way out.
Third, remember, as C.S. Lewis taught, "you don't have a soul; you are a soul. You have a body." Bombs and mines cannot harm your soul because it is spirit, not flesh. What can harm your soul are lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. The fear we feel is not fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:9), but fear of loss of one of the deadly sins to which we have grown accustomed and comfortable. Our greatest lust is not for sex, but for our favorite sin. Guard your soul before your body.
Fourth, remember what G.K. Chesterton said about hope: “Hope means hoping when things are hopeless, or it is no virtue at all. And faith means believing the incredible, or it is no virtue at all.”
“Hope means hoping when things are hopeless, or it is no virtue at all.” —G.K. Chesterton
The good news is that things are hopeless. But the good news is only good to those who have heard the Good News. And, then, only to those who have faith in the Good News, even though the Good News is incredible, aka, impossible to believe. We have been chosen by God to live in these hopeless and faithless times, and for that we should give great praise to God. We are in a minefield with no map and are taking enemy fire because we are loved by God and fortified with the gifts of the Holy Ghost, redeemed by the blood of Christ, and have entered the month dedicated to His Most Precious Blood. None of our ancestors, with the possible exception of Christians of the first four centuries anno Domini, have been so blessed.
I know it doesn’t feel like such a blessing. We feel like Reb Tevye in The Fiddler on the Roof, lamenting, “I realize, of course, that it's no shame to be poor. But it's no great honor, either.” So, we’re in this minefield surrounded by the enemy with no map to guide our path. We are in hell and thirsting. What do we do?
We keep going. We worry not where the mines lay. They will be revealed or they will not. That’s up to God. We worry not when the enemy will open fire on us. Either he will or he will not. Neither the location of the mines nor the trajectory of enemy bullets is under our complete control, therefore, as Epictetus taught, neither is our concern. They are “indifferents,” and trying to control them only makes us hindered and disturbed.
Rather, we put on the full armor of God, as Paul told the Ephesians. And we walk. We need not run and burn out our energy. We must not sit and wallow, for that would indicate despair, another deadly sin. We do not dance and play, which would show the sin of presumption. We place no trust in ourselves, which is pride. We walk toward God knowing the path is narrow and the gate small, but Jesus Christ has made it seem as wide as the ocean and level as Kansas. The grand plan we might seek has already been devised, and we have already received it. Our mission, then, is to obey the command of Our Lady at the Wedding at Cana when she nodded toward her Son and said, “Do whatever He tells you.” And, when He gives the order, we fill the cisterns to the brim.
That is all the hope and faith one person can reasonable ask for.
Read CCC 675-677 - happening now?
Sure appears to be the case.