Look for Print Version of Fight to Evolve on April 14
Thank you, so much, for asking. (So many have asked.) #
Fight to Evolve: The Government’s Secret War on NTX will be available in print on April 14. Just go to amazon.com and search for Fight to Evolve.
If you can’t wait (and there’s no reason to wait) you can buy the Kindle edition right now. It’s already #2 bestseller on censorship in the Kindle store.
Amazon offers FREE Kindle readers for just about every device: Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad, Android phones and tablets.
Finally, I hate to ask, but** I’d appreciate a review.** It only takes a second, and writing reviews **makes you feel powerful and intelligent**.
Thanks again. Now check out the press release for our HUGE announcement next Wednesday in Washington, DC at the the National Press Club. Too busy to click? Here’s the important stuff: I am going to DC on Wednesday to take this fight directly to the U.S. Government.
What If There Was a Safer Way to Drink Alcohol? from Coalition for Safer Drinking on Vimeo.