Proving the CIA assassinated John F. Kennedy and, possibly, his brother Bobby Kennedy is difficult because all the non-Deep State witnesses were assassinated long ago, beginning with Lee Harvey Oswald. But proving the CIA or FBI killed RFK’s son, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., will be easier if, for no other reason, this time they’re calling their shot.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is, as far as I know, still alive and well and running for president. He does so without the benefit of Secret Service protection, though, because, well, Joe Biden personally intervened to stop that. The White House is leaving Kennedy totally exposed, save for his own private security which does not have access to the law enforcement intelligence shared with Secret Service protection details. Kennedy is vulnerable.
Secret Service and Department of Homeland Security emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by Judicial Watch show the Secret Service seemed willing and eager to provide Kennedy with their protection based on numerous legitimate threats the agency had vetted. But an official at DHS, whose name was redacted, repeatedly denied the request supposedly because the election is more than one year away. This leaves Kennedy to pay for his own protection and sleep with one eye open.
Biden’s refusal to grant Kennedy protection by the Secret Service is just one piece of evidence the Deep State takes Kennedy’s presidential campaign seriously. But it’s not the most telling.
DNC Nomination Shenanigans
While Democrat officials scoff at Kennedy’s aspirations as delusional, brushing the former Congressman aside with accusations of “conspiracy theorist” and “anti-vaxxer” (terms coined by the CIA to protect itself and its pharma sponsors), they also took measure to prevent Kennedy—or anyone not selected by the Deep State—from winning the Democrat party’s nomination.
The DNC changed its voting policies to allow a small group of handpicked super delegates to override any popular choice in the nomination process. In other words, Democrat primaries will be completely for show. The nominee will emerge, not from primaries and caucuses, but from a smoky back room. And it will not be Robert F. Kennedy. Via The Gateway Pundit:
According to Kennedy, the DNC’s control over super delegates and automatic delegates makes it virtually insurmountable for any candidate other than Biden to secure the nomination. Kennedy pointed out that he would need to win almost 80% of all states to outmaneuver Biden, assuming Biden only wins 20% of the vote.
If the DNC—a front for the Deep State—believed Kennedy’s White House ambition quixotic, why go through the trouble of disenfranchising Democrat voters?
Now, Kennedy has a new strategy to win the election, and it’s one that leaves the Deep State with no choice: they will have to remove him by force.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Independent for President
Kennedy will announce he’s leaving the Democrat Party—a party synonymous with the name “Kennedy” since the 1950s—to continue his presidential campaign as an independent. Kennedy will be the most serious nonpartisan candidate since Ross Perot upset the 1992 election, garnering nearly 20 percent of the popular vote.
Kennedy’s campaign released a video today in which RFK Jr. declares a major announcement in Philadelphia on Tuesday, October 9:
Our government may be crooked, but our people are kind, brave, and caring. That goodness is stronger than the divisions that are keeping us all apart. I see it every day on the campaign trail. And the more I see it, the more I trust it. And the more I trust it, the more the path to victory becomes visible.
—Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Democrats were already panicked about Dr. Cornel West’s Green Party bid for the presidency. CNN posted a story in July under this headline:
Democratic worries bubble up over Cornel West’s Green Party run as Biden campaign takes hands-off approach
The piece notes that the Green Party is already on the ballot in 16, mostly strong Democrat, states, and acknowledges that Democrats blame Green Party candidates for Republican wins in 2000 and 2016.
The CNN article fails to mention that the stakes in 2024 are much higher than they were in 2000 or 2016. In 2024, two leading candidates for president have vowed to destroy the Deep State, including its corporate sponsors. And of the two, Kennedy has the stronger track record of doing just that. While Trump seemed to stumble upon the existence of a permanent administrative state that protects and serves nefarious private interests like the pharmaceutical and medical industries, Kennedy has been fighting, often successful, these agencies and corporations his entire adult life. Here is just a partial list of Kennedy’s long history fighting “the man,” found on his campaign website:
In 1997, Bobby sued Mobil oil to reverse its pollution of the Hudson River, making the waters fishable again and enabling the return of the Bald Eagle to its nesting ground.
Throughout the 1990s, Bobby represented family farmers in their fight against factory farming giants in North Carolina, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Oklahoma and Maryland.
In 2001, Kennedy was arrested for protesting US military testing in the fishing waters of Puerto Rico and served 30 days in jail, eventually resulting in the termination of the US bombing of Puerto Rican waters that were causing cancers from uranium exposure and toxic spills.
In 2007, Bobby won a $396 million jury verdict on behalf of rural communities in West Virginia contaminated by Zinc from a DuPont chemical plant.
The 2010 HBO Film Mann vs Ford documents his four-year battle on behalf of the Ramapough Tribe against the Ford Motor Company over its dumping of toxic waste on tribal lands in New Jersey.
The 2011 award-winning film The Last Mountain depicts Kennedy's tireless fight against Appalachian mountaintop removal mining.
In 2013, Bobby and his son Conor were arrested in front of the White House for protesting the Keystone Pipeline's construction through native lands and protected wilderness.
In 2016, Bobby prosecuted SoCal Gas on behalf of the California communities sickened by the Aliso Canyon Gas Leak, the largest gas leak in American history.
Also in 2016, Bobby and several of his children joined the Water Protectors on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota, to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline crossing tribal lands and threatening the Tribe’s primary water source.
In 2017, Kennedy prosecuted Monsanto on behalf of poor farming communities and migrant workers who had developed non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma from exposure to the pesticide Round-up.
In 2018, Bobby secured a $670 million settlement for under-resourced communities in Ohio and West Virginia whose drinking water had been contaminated by C8 from industrial dumping and runoff.
Also in 2018, Kennedy prosecuted Columbia Gas Company for its negligent pipeline maintenance leading to explosions in three towns north of Boston.
As of Dec 2022, the Monsanto lawsuits to which Bobby has devoted much of the past decade have yielded $11 billion for farmers, migrant workers, day laborers, and families exposed to the pesticide RoundUp.
This makes the primary issue of the 2024 campaign the Administrative State and its crimes against the Constitution and the people it was ordained to protect.
With Kennedy on the ballot in November as an alternative to both partys’ candidates, Trump is all but assured victory. To the Deep State, that means someone has to die.
Non-lethal Alternatives
The Deep State, indeed, has non-lethal alternatives to sending the younger Kennedy to meet his father and uncle on the other side. They could order the Justice Department to investigate and indict Kennedy, as they did with Trump, but that tactic doesn’t seem to be working out as they planned.
Another, more promising, path would be to coerce state and county election officials to refuse Kennedy ballot access. They could mount legal challenges to Kennedy in key states like California (the state where Kennedy now lives), New York (the state Kennedy served in Congress), Massachusetts (the state synonymous with his surname), and Illinois (the state that rigged the 1960 election for his uncle). This defensive tactic of denying ballot access would cost the Kennedy campaign a fortune in legal expenses.
Another favored tactic of the Deep State in ballot-access contests is to simply “mis-print” a lot of ballots, mysteriously leaving the candidate’s name off. Because the uniparty has outlawed investigations of election irregularities, simply rigging the election might be their safest path to victory.
Pre-bunking the Pre-coup
The problem with these dry tactics for the Deep State is they are not foolproof. On the other hand, dead men (with the exception of Mel Carnahan of Missouri) win no elections. One-hundred percent is infinitely better than 99.99999% when it comes to protecting the Deep State and its hangable secrets.
That’s why the 2024 election is a much bigger deal than either 2000 or 2016. In fact, 2024 is biggest election for the Deep State since the Deep State was born in the ashes of World War II. For the first time in their histories, the CIA, FBI, and all the other 3-letter agencies face two powerful presidential candidates who have vowed their destruction and exposure of their crimes. And, though Kennedy has said he wants reforms rather than revenge, the enormity of the US government’s crimes against humanity, once exposed, will require retribution as a deterrent to future malefactors.
The careerists in Washington and Virginia know this. Paranoid and vengeful by nature, the Deep Staters will tolerate no chance of paying for their crimes or even suffering inconvenience or standard-of-living setbacks. They will not allow their serfs to be set free.
The Deep State—and all who serve it—see the 2024 election as a life-or-death battle for survival. They feel it far more intensely than the serfs, who are too busy binge-watching Netflix shows to care.
Only one thought, therefore, will prevent the Deep State from assassinating Kennedy and or Trump.
Chain Reactions
The Deep State’s long history of coup-plotting, regime change, and other chicanery has left a notable pattern of horrors. At first, the operation achieves its immediate objective: the problem is gone, and “our guy” is in charge. But, then, things go wrong.
The US hamstrung Chiang Kai-shek, our longtime ally in China, in hopes of winning over Mao Tse Dong. Mao and his successors have since amassed more murders than Hitler, Stalin, and all the genocidal regimes of the 20th century combined, and China now threatens to displace the US as the world’s leading military and economic power.
The CIA orchestrated a coup in Persia and installed its puppet Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as Shah. Twenty years later, Mohammedan fundamentalists overthrew the Shah and laid siege to the US Embassy in Tehran, holding American hostages for 444 days. Iran went on to become the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism and threatens the US and the West with nuclear annihilation.
The CIA convinced JFK to let them lead a coup in Cuba resulting in the Bay of Pigs fiasco and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Cuba is now a staging site for Chinese offensive military operations aimed at the United States.
The CIA, DOD, and State Department armed and trained radical Mohammedans to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. We all celebrated the USSR’s unceremonious withdrawal from the backwards nation only see the our “allied” Mujahideen devolve into al Qaeda and the Taliban. The US rotated into Afghanistan at the cost of over one trillion dollars and thousands of US lives and permanent disabilities. In 2021, the US unceremoniously, but tragically, withdrew in shame from Afghanistan leaving $8 billion of our deadliest weapons in the hands of our enemies.
In 2014, the CIA and US State Department orchestrated Maidan coup in Ukraine to replace a duly elected government with an American neo-Nazi puppet regime. More than 200,000 people have died in the fighting that followed. The US is now preparing for nuclear war against Russia as a direct consequence of the CIA’s meddling.
In addition to this unimpeachable list of Deep State accomplishments, there is strong evidence the US government assassinated its own president in 1963 and his brother five years later. The FBI has admitted to wiretapping a president-elect and after publishing a false report about him and lying to a federal court to obtain the warrant. The court the FBI perjured itself before is a secret court unbound by the Constitution formed as a result of the 9/11 bombings committed by CIA operatives.
The wrong president would expose these and other crimes and name names of those involved in massive crimes against humanity. But eliminating the threat, as they say, would unleash some reaction, equal an opposite. Or disproportionate and unpredictable, since we are dealing with human beings and not inanimate objects. The CIA and DOD know all too well their objective of perfectly controlling the minds of all Americans is far from complete. Among the US population remain a dangerous number of free thinkers who still believe in the nation’s founding principles—many of whom are trained warriors, and many of whom believe they have nothing to lose.
Somewhere in the greater Washington area, concerned men are huddling over ops boards gaming out the consequences of killing two presidential candidates. They’re weighing their options and putting a price tag on the unknown unknowns. They will soon reach their decision.
A few weeks ago, an armed man pretending to be a US Marshal attempted to enter a Kennedy campaign event in Los Angeles, the city where his father was murdered at a campaign event in 1968. Los Angeles police arrested him before he reached Kennedy. If there’s one, there’s more.
If anything happens to Bobby Kennedy or Donald Trump, you’ll know who did it and why.