Loretta Lynch Mob **UPDATE**
“I think it’s important that as we again talk about the importance of free speech we make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not America," said Lynch. “They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted.” (source: Daily Wire)
Take a slide on the slippery slope.
Yesterday I warned that the PC Police will soon call for summary incarceration of anyone who violates the rules of their nationwide “safe space.” Today, we see that US Attorney General Loretta Lynch has vowed to do jus that.
Lynch told a Muslim group that she will prosecute people who say or write anything she considers “predicated on violence.” In other words, she will subvert the First Amendment.
What constitutes “predicated on violence?” Who knows.
The narcissistic crybabies at Mizzou and Yale consider any speech they don’t want to hear “violent,” including “clean your room” and “eat your broccoli.”
And that’s exactly why we have a First Amendment. Because the people in 1789 didn’t trust politicians to arbitrarily decide what we can say and think—only what we can do.
Some will say, “you’re being unreasonable, Bill. She’s talking about inciting violence.” No, she’s not. She’s talking about speech that’s predicated upon violence. Everything I’ve written about the San Bernardino Muslim Massacre was predicated on violence, was it not? (Absent the violence, there’s no story.)
And Ms. Lynch limits her prosecution of writers and speakers to those who write and say things Muslims don’t like. Is she prosecuting Muslims who call for jihad in America? No.
It’s not exaggerating to say that I can go to jail if this post irritates a Muslim. It’s not an exaggeration to say Christians and Jews are being punished for Muslim terror. Loretta Lynch and her merry mob of bubblemakers are turning the DoJ into the Department of Jihad.
Here’s former Congressman Joe Walsh’s response to the Lynch Mob:
[fbvideo link=“https://www.facebook.com/facebook/videos/10153231379946729/” width=“500” height=“400” onlyvideo=“1”]
Update: Loretta Lynch is walking back her comments. Via Politico:
Attorney General Loretta Lynch Monday appeared to recalibrate remarks she made last week that suggested the Justice Department could investigate speech deemed hostile towards Muslims.
“Of course, we prosecute deeds and not words,” she said at a press conference Monday to announce an unrelated civil rights investigation into the Chicago Police Department.
Some conservatives criticized Lynch for her comments to a Muslim civil rights group, where she lamented “the ability of people to issue hateful speech of all types from the anonymity of a screen.”