How You Can Help a Brave Missouri Senator and Win an AR-15
For years, conservatives have relied on a handful of brave State Senators to block really bad bills.
One of that small group is Senator Brian Nieves.
Here’s how you can help ensure Missouri has some spine in the State Senate for another 4 years. Print 10 copies of this page and hand it to friends. Ask them to join you at Senator Nieves’s Sporting Clays event
**State Senator Brian Nieves **
General Laws Committee Chairman and Senate Majority Whip, Invites you to a Special Event Honoring the TRUE Intent of Our 2nd Amendment where YOU may win a Premium AR15!
**Sporting Clays Shoot & AR15 Give Away!! ******
October 12th, 2013 (Saturday**) St. Louis Trap & Skeet Club, Pacific Mo.**
Shoot 10am-Noon’ish** - Lunch 11:30am to 1pm - Awards and Drawings at 1pm**
Just Lunch - $20 AR15 Chances - $100(1/50 Chance per ticket!)** Shooters - $100****(Includes Lunch)******
Sponsorships & Chances for a Sig Sauer 516 Patrol
$100 Station Sponsor**: **Signage at Shooting Stations (similar to hole sponsor in golf tourney) **$250 Lunch Sponsor: **Prominent Advertising of Company or Entity throughout Lunch Area. ____________________________________________________________________
$500 Sharp Shooter Event Sponsor**:** Four Shooter Packages & Three Station Sponsorships. (_Sharp Shooter Packages is a $700 Value!!_) **$1,000 Marksman Event Sponsor:** Four Shooter Packages, Four Station Sponsorships and FOUR of only Fifty Chances ($100 each) at the Sig Sauer 516 Patrol AR15! (_Marksman Package is a $1,200 Value!_) **$1,500 Sniper Level Sponsor****:** Four Shooter Packages, Six Station Sponsorships and TEN of only Fifty Chances ($100 each) at the Sig Sauer 516 Patrol AR15! (_Sniper Package is a $2,100 Value!_) *******************************************************************************************************************************
Register as a Player/Sponsor Today**! There are 50 or Less chances for the AR! Grab yours NOW! Please provide the following Info and a check made out to “Citizens for Nieves” or call Brian at (314)324.8101**
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________
**Number of Shooters in your group________________________________________________**
**Sponsorship Level/Chances for Sig AR etc …________________________________________ **
Paid for by Citizens for Nieves, Dave Bailey Treasurer, Dave Schroeder Asst. Treas. Make Checks Payable to “Citizens for Nieves” and mail to - P.O. Box 1026, Washington, Mo. 63090