How to Cancel People on Facebook Like a Government Censor
Here's the users guide Facebook provided government censors
US government censors, in direct violation of the First Amendment and numerous federal laws, met monthly with Facebook, Twitter, and other social media companies to coordinate censorship activities leading up to the 2020 election.
The coordinated attack was intended to suppress information potentially damaging to the Biden campaign.
The Intercept has published Facebook’s censorship recipe, but many American citizens—the victims of this crime—cannot access the document.
As a public service, Hennessy’s View makes the document downloadable. It instructs government employees—apparently anyone with a .gov email address—to access Facebook’s censorship portal.
While investigators have uncovered and published on Facebook’s users guide, it is presumed Twitter and other social media giants provided government censors with similar tools.
Jack Posobiec succinctly lists the companies known to have coordinated with government censors:

As another “conspiracy theory” is revealed to be fact, Posobiec discusses the magnitude of this Constitutional crisis with Babylon Bee managing editor, Joel Berry.
The Department of Homeland Security must be dissolve. The FBI must be abolished. The Department of Justice must be reduced to defending the government against lawsuits. The administrative state must be destroyed.
You don’t have a country right now.