Here's what's at stake on November 7
I get the feeling a lot of people think mid-term elections are like pre-season hockey. These people think the only election that counts is the presidential election.
These people are, frankly, idiots. Sorry. They are.
What’s at stake in less than two weeks is huge. One of the biggest mid-term elections in your lifetime. If you want it reduced to a simple either/or, here it is.
Donald Trump will be an unstoppable swamp drainer and job creator or a lame duck.
That’s the choice.
If Donald Trump is a lame duck like George W. Bush was after 2006, you know what will happen:
The economy will crater.
You will be thrown out of work.
You could lose your home.
Your children will suffer.
Democrats will win all of Congress and the White House in 2020.
Because with one house of Congress, Democrats will use their media tools to drive down the economy, harass the president and his supporters, and blame every Democrat-created evil on Republicans. Those idiots who think mid-terms are just pre-season politics will believe the lies, nodding their heads like mindless bobblehead dolls in the rear window of 1969 Ford Fairlane.
If Democrats win the House, no more budgets will pass. No more defense spending increases. No more tax cuts. No more Obamacare repeal. No more wall. No more funding for ICE.
If Democrats win the House they will conduct fake investigation after fake investigation. They will tie up the Administration and the Supreme Court in impeachment hearings.
In short, if Democrats take the House, the Trump administration will be on life support until a mercy killing in 2020.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
You can do three things to keep the House in grown-up hands:
That’s it.
Pray #
It’s too late to do much else. Sure, you can talk to friends, but talking politics these days is a good way to get shot. I believe humans have screwed things up beyond human ability to fix. That’s why it’s time to call for an artillery strike from Heaven. And the ultimate heavenly warrior, Archangel St. Michael.
St. Michael is our great warrior against Satan and demons. We know this from the books of Daniel, Jude, and Revelation. Let’s ask his help as we fight the evil of the party that gave us slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, and abortion.
If you’d like to add your voice and soul to the list of those calling on St. Michael to fight against the evil on election day, here’s a simple prayer to the great foe of demons:
Saint Michael Archangel,
defend us in battle,
be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil;
may God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host,
by the power of God, cast into hell
Satan and all the evil spirits
who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Amen.—Prayer to St. Michael Archangel
Say it every day. Pray for a heavenly artillery support. My God and the archangels soften the battlefield before us so that we can claim victory in His name.
This is spiritual warfare.
Fast #
Why fast? Because Jesus warned us that some demons are so powerful only prayer and fasting can drive them out.
Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not drive it out?” And He said to them, “Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. “But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”
—Matthew 17:19-21
We’re fighting powers and principalities here, folks. They planted the Arch of Baal the demon on the grounds of the Capitol in Washington DC. They called on witches and smiths and Druids to cast Satanic spells on President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh.
Fasting doesn’t have to be dramatic. You could give up snacking between meals. Or you could skip a meal every day. Do it with the firm intention of enlisting the help of angels and saints on election day. Say a simple prayer when you feel the urge to cheat on your fast. That’s enough.
Driving these demons out will take more than just voting. Politics as usually isn’t enough. Luckily, Jesus gave us the solution in the Book of Matthew.
Vote #
Finally, all the prayers and fasting in the world won’t amount to much if we don’t do our part by cooperating in God’s plan. In this case, that means voting. Vote early. Vote on the 7th. No one cares when you vote as long as you vote before the polls close.
Vote even if the races in your district are non-competitive. Vote to do your part in God’s plan.
This Is What Hope Looks Like #
Some people think I sound fatalistic with all this talk about prayer and fasting. But it’s the opposite. This is what hope looks like.
I’ve written before that hope in humans is a fool’s errand. People are broken.
All hope lies in God and in God alone. Maybe God allows for times like these so that we give up our false hopes in our fellow man and place true hope in our heavenly Father, our Savior, our allies the saints, and the choirs of angels. It’s a shame that people like me turn to them as a last resort. Maybe I can learn to turn to them first.