Here’s How the RNC Rules Committee Fiasco Really Went Down
First, I understand that some Republicans who don’t regularly read my blog were confused (and unhappy) about my “Prostitutes in Business Suits” slogan for the Missouri Chamber of Commerce (and other business organizations that stop being conservatives when government money’s dangled before their eyes). Well, grow up, Republicans. (Have you ever listened to Rush Limbaugh?)
Now to the meat of the story.
On Friday, two people contacted me. Urgent stuff.
Both told me they have an email thread in which Lance Beshore, Catherine Hanaway, and Ed Martin agreed that Ed Martin would replace Lance on the RNC Rules Committee. All four emails were dated about noon on January 31. Here’s the order:
RNC to State Committeemen and Committeewomen: Call for appointment of each state’s delegate to Rules Committee.
Ed Martin forwarded the email to Lance Beshore and Catherine Hanaway saying, more or less, “I’d really like to be on the Rules Committee, if that’s okay.”
Lance Beshore replies to all, saying, more or less, I’ve been on that committee for 12 years. If you’d like it, you’re welcome to it. Interesting dedicated people. You’ll like it.
Catherine Hanaway replies to all saying “Good by me.”
Ed Martin forwards the whole thread to RNC saying, “Good enough?”
Later, the RNC replied, telling Ed that he’d need to get the document signed by all three Missouri delegates. In the meantime, Lance changed his mind.
I realize that the Republican establishment is up in arms. They don’t like the public knowing about deals like these. They’d rather keep everything in the smoky back rooms.
But the back rooms need a little fresh air now and then. That’s what patriot groups and bloggers and tea partiers provide—some fresh air.
Here’s what matters: the email thread I’ve outlined exists, and no one is denying these facts.
If anything I’ve written here is factually in err, I’ll gladly apologize.