Government Diet Makes You Fat and Kills You
If you’re sick and fat, it might not be your fault. You listen to your doctor. You follow government diet guidelines. You eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. You cut down on animal fat. You eat more grains.
And you just get sicker and fatter.
You’re told it’s your fault. But it’s probably not.
You might be a good mom or dad who wants your kids to learn healthy eating habits.
You might be a little overweight and want to trim down.
You might be a bit older and hope to stave off illness so you can watch your grandchildren grow.
If you’re one of these, or anyone else, you probably trust your government to recommend the healthiest diet. But a new report by your government admits just how deadly its food guideline is. The diets pushed by most doctors, dieticians, and the US government promote obesity and disease while starving your body and brain of the fuel they need to function well over a long life.
Nina Teicholz of discusses a new US government report on Americans' adoption of government diet guidelines and the effect on health and obesity. She summarizes the data as:
This report confirms what the last one found: In nearly every way possible, Americans have followed official dietary advice during the last few decades. In the same time period we’ve had massive epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Here’s a chart of obesity rates over the same period we’ve been eating more of what the government tells us to eat:
You’ll notice the upward trend in obesity really takes off in the late 90s—just when the government started cracking down on obesity and changing dietary guidelines. **It’s as if the government wants you to get fat and die young. **
Along with obesity and type 2 diabetes, we’ve also created epidemics of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Hennessy’s View reported previously on the associations between the official dietary advice and these horrible diseases.
Luckily, you have choices. If you’re tired of following official recommendations only to see your waist grow, your LDL cholesterol rise and your life expectancy shrink, you should learn about ketogenic diets.
Your government is lying to you, doctors are repeating their lies, and you and your family are paying the price in disease, discomfort, and obesity.
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