Head To Jefferson City Wednesday To Fight Common Core and Medicaid Expansion
State Senator John Lamping is sponsoring a bill in the Missouri Legislature to curb privacy invasions built into Common Core State Standards. Missouri liberty groups will support him in Jefferson City on March 13.
John Lamping is one of the brightest stars for liberty in the Missouri Senate, and he needs our help this week. Let’s support liberty by fighting Medicaid Expansion and Common Core State Standards in education.
Committees hear two big bills on Wednesday, March 13, in Jefferson City. #
Medicaid Expansion
Common Core restrictions
“The more I look into this Common Core data collection, the more onerous it gets,” Lamping told me. “I’d say it’s Orwellian, but Common Core cuts literature from secondary school curricula, so kids probably won’t know who Orwell was.”
It’s the data collection that scares Senator Lamping and many others.
“They want to collect data on the private lives of children and they families.”