Feelin' Berned? Special Offer for Bernie Fans
After the DNCLeak stories, I think Bernie fans deserve a break.
Since you’re probably looking for someone to vote for—someone who’s anti-establishment and outside the political class—you might be thinking about Trump.
This might help: 25% off the ultimate guide to turning from anti-Trump to . . . voting for Trump.
I did it. You can, too. My book will help.
To get the 25% discount (that’s like $2.50 in your pocket), just give me your email address and vouch that you Feel Berned. I’ll email you the discount code and link.
[contact-form to=‘whennessy0725@gmail.com’ subject=‘Feel Berned’][contact-field label=‘Email’ type=‘email’ required=‘1’/][contact-field label=‘I Feel Berned’ type=‘checkbox’ required=‘1’/][/contact-form]