Everybody's Talking About Turning On Trump
I sent one email to Jamie Allman. He’s such a great guy, he invited me on two of his shows. Probably not because of me, but because of the subject of Turning On Trump. Still, it’s an honor. Thank you, Jamie.
If you’re as curious about Turning On Trump as Jamie Allman is, listen to his show on 97.1 FM Tuesday, July 5 at 7:20 a.m. We’ll wait while you make a note to listen.
But I have to warn you, I’ll probably totally screw up that interview. And Jamie knows it. So, just to be safe, tune in to The Allman Report on ABC Channel 30 at 5:00 and 10:00 on Thursday, July 7. Be warned, though, I could screw up this interview, too. I screw up a lot.
Go ahead and write that time and date down, too. We’re patient.
Because I screw up so many interviews (just ask Mark Reardon on KMOX) your best best bet is to buy the book Turning On Trump the second it hits Amazon. You’ll be glad you did. At least my friend Christina Botteri thinks you’ll love it. This is what she wrote:
Your next must-read - Turning on Trump is the raw, uncensored diary of a God-fearing, Tea-Partying, Conservative making sense out of the historic Republican primary of 2016.
Turning on Trump tells the amazing story of how a God-fearing, Tea-Partying, Constitution-loving, Intellectual, Conservative, Navy Veteran went from rooting for the cool-and-collected underdog Ben Carson to a full-throated endorsement of Republican newcomer, Donald Trump.
Turning on Trump is the perfect book for your favorite NeverTrumpers.
Carl Sagan described writing as real-life magic. Combinations of squiggles on a page have the ability to transport readers across space and time into nothing less than into the mind of another person. Bill took me right back to the beginning of the tumultuous Republican primary process 2015, to travel with him through the months, sharing is frustrations, struggles, confessions, and realizations. This is a GREAT read.
The cringeworthy crowd of candidates; the dread of Jeb; the outrage-turned-understanding of Trump - Bill Hennessy took me with him through it all in his contemporaneous account of the historic Republican Campaigns and Primary of 2016. Fantastic!
–Christina Botteri, Founding member of the Nationwide Chicago Tea Party
I hope you enjoy Turning On Trump as much as Christina did. You probably want to find out, don’t you.