Donald Trump: America's Work-craft Carrier
Donald Trump ran on a promise to bring American jobs back to America. And to make America great again. Even though his presidency is still two months away, he’s already delivering.
Ford is staying. Apple is looking to move iPhone assembly to the USA. And, last night, Carrier announced it will keep 1,000 job in Indianapolis.
**America is #WINNING again. **
When Donald Trump railed against Carrier Air Conditioner’s decision to move over 1,000 jobs to Mexico, the fake news media mocked and ridiculed Trump. Here’s what Wall Street Journal’s Barry Wood wrote:
Workers losing Indiana factory jobs deserve to be more than political pawns
And Time Magazine mockingly wrote:
Trump cast all woes as the fault of free-trade agreements. “You’re losing your jobs. You’re losing your income,” he said blaming in turns Mexico, China, India and Vietnam. “I’m bringing the jobs back. I’m bringing the jobs back. I’m bringing them back from China. I’m bringing them back from Mexico,” he repeated time and again with no credible policy beyond his persona.
Maybe “his persona” is all we needed.
Meanwhile, market and consumer euphoria over Trump’s win has lifted all major US stock indexes to all-time record highs for all-time record numbers of days.
**It’s like Reagan all over again. **
Via the Time Vault from December 1, 1980 as the Dow flirted with 1,000 for the first time in its history:
Says Kenneth Rolland, an executive vice president of New York’s Chemical Bank: “People think a Reagan Administration will cut Government spending and institute tax reforms that will stimulate investment and savings. Investors believe that the climate will be very good for financial assets like stocks.” Adds Investment Strategist David Bostian of Bostian Research Associates: “In March you could not convince people that the Dow would ever go above 800. Now you cannot tell them that it will drop below 950.”
While the fake news world of CNN, New York Times, and, especially, the Washington Post continues to spread lies about Trump and his voters–lies intended to incite violence among stupid young people–Donald Trump is checking off his campaign promises. Ahead of schedule and under budget.
For Trump, America is the new Wollman Ice Rink project.
It’s time to realize that the work-craft carrier **Donald J. Trump is about to make America great again. **