Did Chuck Schumer Try To Murder Chief Justice Roberts?
Not much time tonight . . . watching a movie with the family
Chuck Schumer’s an Idiot: Over the weekend, Chuck Schumer (see Malkin) picked up the theme started by Republican Sentator Arlen Specter. The two Senators are looking to indict Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel Alito on perjury charges.
Schumer’s justification for effectively abolishing the Supreme Court is the so anti-historical and anti-Constitutional it’s almost funny.
The burden of proof lies with the nominee to prove that he is something other than what the President chose him for.
Really, Senator? The Constitution places no burden of proof upon nominees. They are appointed by the President (not recommended, but appointed) with the “advice and consent” of the Senate.
While idiot liberals my try sophomorically to argue that “advice and consent” means a burden of proof upon the nominee, they would be, as always, dead wrong. Advice and consent is the mildest of standards. Where the framers believed a strong burden existed upon one party in order to prevail, they said so.
Schumer and Specter are small, weak, petty men. They understand so little of the law they studied. They display no historical or Constitutional perspective, as if the law popped into existence with their passing of the bar and will die out like a fading star with their retirements from politics.
Did Schumer or Specter somehow induce Chief Justice Roberts’s seizure? I’m sure they and their friends are giddy over the news of Roberts’s hospitalization, as Michelle Malkin points out.
If Bush caused 9/11, then it stands to reason that Schumer tried to kill the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Now, go to Captain’s Quarters and read about the liberals who protested Sen. Norm Coleman’s (R-MN) father’s funeral. His father’s funeral! Liberals are scum. If conservatives acted as irresponsibly as these various bastards, Jesse Jackson would be rhyming up a storm, the ACLU would be suing God, and Al Franken would sacrifice a goat on the front lawn of the White House while CNN and MSNBC praised their restraint. Bastards.
TexasRainmaker summarizes more hate speech from the party of compassion.